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Installation - Diaspora Project Wiki. rTorrent. Installation Install the rtorrent package that is available in the official repositories. Alternatively, install the rtorrent-gitAUR or rtorrent-vi-colorAUR package. Configuration Note: See the rTorrent wiki article on this subject for more information: Common Tasks in rTorrent for Dummies. Vim may mistake the syntax of the config file, causing errors in the highlighting.

Before running rTorrent, find the example configuration file /usr/share/doc/rtorrent/rtorrent.rc and copy it to ~/.rtorrent.rc: $ cp /usr/share/doc/rtorrent/rtorrent.rc ~/.rtorrent.rc Performance Note: See the rTorrent wiki article on this subject for more information: Performance Tuning The values for the following options are dependent on the system's hardware and Internet connection speed. Min_peers = 40 max_peers = 52 min_peers_seed = 10 max_peers_seed = 52 max_uploads = 8 download_rate = 200 upload_rate = 28 The check_hash option executes a hash check when rTorrent is started. Check_hash = yes Create and manage files Stop:

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Ubuntu. Reporting. Boot. Howto run Windows with VMware Player in Linux for free. OK, so you've bought a new PC and have Windows pre-installed. First, you shrank Windows partition to the minimum and installed your favorite Unix distribution. Then setup a dual boot to either operating systems and wondering if you really need to reboot to Windows each time you need to test how something looks on Windows or perhaps your girlfriend wants to do wicked stuff.

This page explains how to run Windows in Linux environment without a need to reboot or reinstalling Windows. The solution is to run VMware Player from raw Windows partition under Linux. Everything on this page is pure hacking, even worse, not a single manual has been read. Here is a to-do list of this howto: Install VMware PlayerCreate a Virtual MachineCreate a Virtual DiskDecontaminate Hazardous Booting OptionsPrepare Windows for the Last JourneyBoot It Up and Install VMware Tools I've done this twice on two separate Debian machines: with Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP Home Edition. Creating a Virtual Machine. How To Install VMware Server (Version 1.0.6) On A Fedora 9 Desktop. Version 1.0 Author: Falko Timme <ft [at] falkotimme [dot] com> Last edited 06/02/2008 This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to install VMware Server (version 1.0.6) on a Fedora 9 desktop system.

With VMware Server you can create and run guest operating systems ("virtual machines") such as Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, etc. under a host operating system. This has the benefit that you can run multiple operating systems on the same hardware which saves a lot of money, and you can move virtual machines from one VMware Server to the next one (or to a system that has the VMware Player which is also free). Also, with VMware Server you can let your old Windows desktop (that you previously converted into a VMware virtual machine with VMware Converter, as described in this tutorial: run under your Fedora desktop.

I want to say first that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. 1 Preliminary Note Become root: su. VI and VIM editor: Tutorial and advanced features. Vim Intro: This "vi" tutorial is intended for those who wish to master and advance their skills beyond the basic features of the basic editor. It covers buffers, "vi" command line instructions, interfacing with UNIX commands, and ctags. The vim editor is an enhanced version of vi. The improvements are clearly noticed in the handling of tags. The advantage of learning vi and learning it well is that one will find vi on all Unix based systems and it does not consume an inordinate amount of system resources.

NOTE: Microsoft PC Notepad users who do not wish to use "vi" should use "gedit" (GNOME edit) or "gnp" (GNOME Note Pad) on Linux. See our list of Linux GUI editors Vim Installation: Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora: Vi/Vim Command Line Arguments: Command usage: vim [arguments] filename1 [filename2 ...] Vim arguments are listed in this table: Basic "vi" features: One edits a file in vi by issuing the command: vi file-to-edit.txt Command mode: letters or sequence of letters interactively command vi. . #! GeeXboX uShare UPnP A/V Media Server HomePage. MediaTomb playlist edition using GraveDigger.