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1/20/08 - 1/27/08. Download Abstract Factory Pattern Source Code - 28 KB Introduction: This article explains the Abstract Factory pattern of the Design Patterns, and implements an example.The Abstract Pattern is used to give you the ability to return one of related (grouped) objects of classesthrough a factory object, The factory object can return one of a family classes and can also instantiate objects of another family classes.

1/20/08 - 1/27/08

The Code We are going to explain this on Investments, There is types of investment like stocks and bonds.The investment itself can be raised and can fall, then the stocks investment for example can be raised and can fall.This is done through the investment object (which is the factory). The investment class is abstract, and has two abstract (not implemented) methods: CreateRaise(), and CreateFall() , each of which is type ofraiseInvestment and fallInvestment respectively. abstract class fallInvestment { public abstract int Minus(int current); } class stocks : invsetment { Inside F# Last time I talked about cool ways to use F# asyncs to help write client GUIs.

Inside F#

Today I’ll talk about the killer app for F# asyncs, namely, non-blocking I/O on the server side. Once again, this is material I lifted from a recent talk that Matthew Podwysocki and I gave at TechReady. (So if today’s blog entry sounds like I’m presenting a powerpoint deck and a demo to an audience in a room, that’s why!) A server example: stock-quote server. F# Code - Taha Hachana. Updated: 33 min 57 sec ago Recently (or as I call it the F# goldmine) featureda snippet by Tomas Petricek that demonstrates how to throttle asynchronouscomputations using F# agents.

The code declares a ThrottlingAgent type thatrelies on two mutually recursive functions to track the number of concurrentlyrunning... SEOReporter is a search engine optimization application available on Codeplex. It's a navigation-based Windows application developed in F# for detecting HTML related SEO violations, gathering data about a Web page and analyzing it's text content in order to extract the keyword structure.

Google Labs - Explore Google's New Ideas. Using the PollingDuplexHttpBinding for a Silverlight Group Chat. Simple WCF chat application with database (LINQ) Posted by Tarek N.

Simple WCF chat application with database (LINQ)

Elsamni | Posted in | Posted on 14:47 This project will be consisted of a WCF service (ISERVICE [Interface] & SERVICE [C# code to implement the interface]), Server Application which will use the WCF service and finally the client(Windows Form). In our SERVICE we will have 2 Interfaces: The first Interface will be Implemented in Service.cs as the WCF service to make Server side operations like: Register, Login, logout and Add Friend.

Concurrency in .NET – Learning from Erlang. I’m finally getting back to my concurrency in .NET posts after a brief hiatus after I got sidetracked on various other functional programming issues such as some language oriented programming and functional C#.

Concurrency in .NET – Learning from Erlang

In the previous post, I talked about MPI in .NET and I need to get back to that one and address some of the issues raised in the next post in this series. But, in the mean time, let’s focus on another area of concurrency through message passing. This time, let’s bring Erlang into the picture. Learning Erlang For some of the upcoming talks about F# and functional programming I have planned, I will be putting a lot of the focus on concurrency programming through asynchronous and parallel mechanisms. 2010 March. Last time I talked about cool ways to use F# asyncs to help write client GUIs.

2010 March

Today I’ll talk about the killer app for F# asyncs, namely, non-blocking I/O on the server side. TwitMemento a twitter client in F# I find conversations in twitter hard to follow.

TwitMemento a twitter client in F#

For a start they’re backwards, the first thing you see is the last item in the conversation. Add to that the fact there very sporadic, it’s difficult to see which tweets users are reacting to, and it doesn’t make for a great conversation experience. I put together TwitMemento with the aim of fixing that. Firstly, it changes the order you see tweets in, instead of new ones being inserted at the top, they're inserted at the bottom, like a normal chat client or message board. Secondly Twit Memento also automatically detects groups of people talking to each other and displays them together, correctly ordering the tweets. WCF Chat Sample. Good F# Asynchronous IO Sample. Chat Server with Client Implemented with C#

The Main Heart of the program is taken from the sample program of Gopalan Suresh Raj modified as per requirement & presented in front of you..

Chat Server with Client Implemented with C#

The Main Heart of the program is taken from the sample program of Gopalan Suresh Raj modified as per requirement & presented in front of you.... Hope it would be helpful for somebody How to Run the Chat Server and the Client? First start the server.exe Next start formclient.exe Give you nick name "xyz" & click the connect button .... you will be connected to the server & a message will be displaed in the yellow box Run formclient.exe again with start-->run-->formclient.exe & give anothernick name for trial & error. The Server Code: The server code is implemented in newServer.cs. TickSpec: An F# BDD Framework. BDD with ``TickSpec`` talk. TomasP.Net. Announcing the F# Compiler + Library Source Code Drop - Don Syme's WebLog on F# and Related Topics. Right in time for the first F# in Education Workshop in Boston, I’m very glad to announce that the long-awaited source code drop for an F# 2.0 compiler and core library are now available, as part of the F# PowerPack.

Announcing the F# Compiler + Library Source Code Drop - Don Syme's WebLog on F# and Related Topics

This release reinforces the commitment Microsoft are making to F#, including F# in Visual Studio. As explained in my PDC10 lecture The Future of F#, we have a clear vision for F#, indeed a ground-breaking one, and are investing in it, and we are deeply committed to shipping F# "in the box". That is the real focus of F#: a quality experience of functional programming in Visual Studio, and that is what our team are driven to achieve and what we work for. To augment this, we are glad to be able to provide a compiler/library source drop. From an engineering perspective, we're doing this for one major reason: tool development - a source drop enables the F# community to develop and contribute a range of tools to the F# and Visual Studio ecosystem. Enjoy! Don, for the F# team. Variations in F# (I.): Research compiler with Joinads and more! Introduction of ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit - CollapsiblePanel. Abstract The ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit is a new and powerful control in ASP.NET 2.0.

Introduction of ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit - CollapsiblePanel

It is designed for you to develop web applications that are more responsive, faster, and put fewer loads on the network, while using the .NET-based framework. Introduction of ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit - CollapsiblePanel. Abstract The ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit is a new and powerful control in ASP.NET 2.0.

Introduction of ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit - CollapsiblePanel

It is designed for you to develop web applications that are more responsive, faster, and put fewer loads on the network, while using the .NET-based framework. This article will use one of ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit's controls - CollapsiblePanel to demonstrate the benefit by using it. Introduction. F# async on the server side.

WCF Server/Client Chat Sample. Src - jPartChatBox. SharePoint Web Part Development Tutorial. It is hard to find out simple way to create SharePoint web parts with visual designing. After looking at custom features, in this article I'm going to show you how to create custom SharePoint web part using Web User Control in Visual Studio. Creating the Web Part. Developing web parts for Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 using C# .NET 2005 express edition : web, wss, sharepoint, part. Packaging and Deploying a SharePoint 2007 Web Part. In a past post, I did a WSS 3.0/MOSS 2007 Web Part Tutorial that showed how to make a web part.

That's all great and grand, but I did not cover how to actually get it to your production environment (truth is I didn't know how at the time). Technically, you could install VS 2008 and the extension package on your production farm, but that isn't necessarily a good idea or 'best practice' by a long shot. Writing Custom Web Parts for SharePoint 2007. Sahil Malik recently published a nice article that covers how to write a custom web part using ASP.NET 2.0 and host it within SharePoint 2007. As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, SharePoint 2007 is built on top of ASP.NET 2.0, which means you can now use ASP.NET 2.0 features (Forms Authentication, Master Pages, Membership, Site Navigation, New Data Controls, etc) when building SharePoint sites. This is true for both the new Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 version (which will be a free download) as well as Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (which costs money).

Creating SharePoint Features. WCF RIA Services Part 1: Getting Started. This article is Part 1 of the series WCF RIA Services. Introduction In order to build serious business application in Silverlight (and other client technologies), you have to work with a lot of data. And that data is usually not resident on the client machine, it is usually distributed amongst many clients and is stored and operated on by back-end services. If you try to write this kind of application architecture yourself, you have to tackle a lot of technologies and write a lot of plumbing.

Announcing release of ASP.NET MVC 3, IIS Express, SQL CE 4, Web Farm Framework, Orchard, WebMatrix. Learning WCF RIA Services - Laurent Duveau.