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The Lightswitch Project - TippingPoint. Beth Massi - Sharing the goodness that is VB. Beth Massi - Sharing the goodness that is VB. Contoso Construction - LightSwitch Advanced Development Sample - Beth Massi - Sharing the goodness that is VB. UPDATE: If you are looking for the Visual Studio 2012 version see: Contoso Construction - LightSwitch Advanced Sample (Visual Studio 2012) Last week I demonstrated a more advanced sample at TechEd and showed different levels of customization that you can do to your LightSwitch applications as a professional developer by putting your own code into the client and server tiers. You can watch the session where I went through it here: Extending Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Applications (also check out additional resources from my trip report I posted yesterday). Download the Contoso Construction Sample This sample demonstrates some of the more advanced code, screen, and data customizations you can do with Visual Studio LightSwitch Beta 2 as a professional developer (you get paid to write code).

Features of this sample include: You will need Visual Studio LightSwitch Beta 2 installed to run this sample. 1. These are .VSIX packages and are also located in the root folder of this sample. Attaching an External DataSource in LightSwitch Application. You might know that LightSwitch is now in Beta 2 stage. Microsoft released it few days ago. I have a series of Tutorials on LightSwitch Beta 1 where we discussed on creating database tables using the LightSwitch table designer. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to attach an existing database table available in your SQL server database.

This was also available in Beta 1 release. This time, we will discuss with the latest version. Read the full post and at the end, leave your feedback. If you are new to LightSwitch, you may like to read my previous chapters too. Setting up Environment To start with, we need Visual Studio LightSwitch. Make sure that, you already have Visual Studio 2010 SP1 installed in your machine. Once your development machine is ready with LightSwitch Beta 2, open Visual Studio 2010 and create a new LightSwitch project as shown below: Once you hit "OK", it will take some time to generate the project. Quick Look into Existing Table Connecting External DataSource.

Inside Visual Studio LightSwitch. Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch uses a model-centric architecture for defining, building, and executing a 3-tier LightSwitch application. A model-centric architecture uses models to describe the structure and semantics of an end-to-end application. The applications that you build with LightSwitch have a traditional N-tier architecture. In this article we discuss the LightSwitch model-centric approach and the main elements of a LightSwitch model.

We’ll also look at the runtime architecture tiers (presentation, service, and data) and how they relate to the model. Model-centric Architecture Models sit at the center of the LightSwitch design time and runtime architecture. Building blocks are the core concepts or vocabulary used to describe an application. EntityType and Query: describes the shape of data and queries against that data. Building blocks have relationships to each other as well, with, for example, screens binding to queries that return entities.

LightSwitch Application Model.