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Converting an ASP.NET site into a SharePoint site. Introduction There are a lot of ASP.NET web developers who are moving to SharePoint site creation. This article will explain in detail how an ASP.NET webpage developed in Visual Studio can be converted into a SharePoint site. If there is a requirement for a website created in Visual Studio, just the old fashioned way with the code-behind logic and other layers like Data Access and Business Logic, to be converted into a SharePoint site, and still make it work the same way with the same code-behind, you are in the right place.

This article deals with right that. Scenario There is an ASP.NET website solution that contains three layers viz. Code-Behind Layer, Business-Logic Layer, and the Data-Access Layer. Steps Overview There are three steps that are explained in the article which will help you to transform your ASP.NET Web Application into a SharePoint site. Step1: Add a Web Deployment Project to your website solution that will create a single DLL for the website. Using ASP.NET 2.0 Code Behind Files in SharePoint v3 Sites.

[11/12/2007] This article & the associated code download has been updated to attach the button's click event handler to be set in the code behind rather than in the ASPX page. Doing it in the ASPX page would constitute inline script which should never be used in a site page. My bad! [/] One of the more common myths among both those who are just getting into and those seasoned in SharePoint development topics is that it is not possible to leverage the ASP.NET technique of leveraging code behind files in custom master pages or site pages. Overview of the SharePoint Site Architecture SharePoint sites are structured in a very different way than native ASP.NET 2.0 sites are.

This virtualized file system facilitates vast numbers of sites within a farm as it is not uncommon for a enterprise SharePoint farm to host thousands if not tens or hundreds of thousands of sites. In native ASP.NET 2.0 sites, adding new pages involves dropping a new ASPX file into the desired folder in the site. Add Custom ASPX Pages or ASP .Net Pages in SharePoint « Share Notes – All about Sharepoint Office System, .Net. Posted on February 21, 2008 by svarukala The Problem: Let’s say we have an ASP .Net Web Application with many web forms, user controls, business layer, and data access layer.

It works fine as a web application. What we are looking for integrating the files within this web application into the SharePoint site and totally get rid of the web application. This has couple of advantages: Business users and end users need not go to a separate web application (URL). Users can see all those pages within SharePoint site. In a nutshell this option allows us to build an ASP.Net application outside of SharePoint, build it, test it & then add it to SharePoint. Solutions: The SharePoint designer approach: This approach can be used if there are few aspx pages with little functionality. Below are the blog links I referred to: More Links: Some are related to SharePoint 2003.

Like this: Like Loading... Developing/Deploying ASP.NET Web Application in SharePoint 2007 under _layouts folder. Hi Folks, This post i will walkthrough the steps required to create and deploy web application under _layouts folder in sharepoint 2007. Also note that this application is different than the MSDN article to build 2.0 website in sharepoint 2007, since this article only works if you copy the whole project ( with .cs files ) under website folder in layouts directory which is not recommended and not a best practice. In this article i will go through the steps to create a web application with sharepoint master page and to deploy the web application dll in GAC as well. 5) Right click on your project to sign your assembly of the web application, since this dll will be in GAC. 6) Open the default.aspx page that you have and update the following: <%@ Assembly Name="<span style="font-weight:bold;">ASSEMBLYNAME</span>, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<span style="font-weight:bold;">b1be248cde129fd5</span>" %> <asp:Content ID="Content2" Test My ASP.NET Web Application.

Deploying ASP.NET Web Applications in the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 _layouts Folder. Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 uses the following folder to deliver SharePoint administration pages to each site in the site collection: %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\Template\Layouts The layouts folder is a special directory that gets "virtualized" for each SharePoint site. That is, each SharePoint site will have a /_layouts path from the root of the Web. For example You can make an ASP.NET 2.0 Web application available under each SharePoint site by deploying the application to the layouts folder. This How To illustrates deploying ASP.NET Web applications in the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 _layouts folder.

The following sections use Visual Studio 2005 to create a simple ASP.NET 2.0 Web site that you can deploy to the SharePoint _layouts folder. Creating a Web site project in Visual Studio 2005. To create a Web site project in Visual Studio 2005 Start Visual Studio. DIV Popups from Simple Popup Using In-Page DIV This simplest example uses an existing DIV defined on the page as the popup window. By default, the DIV is hidden. The function is used to treat the DIV as a popup, show it, and make it auto-hide if anything else is clicked.

Click anywhere in the document to auto-close me Click Here To Show DIV <div id="simplediv" style="background-color:yellow;border:1px solid black;display:none;width:200px;height:200px;">Click anywhere in the document to auto-close me</div><a href="#" onclick="'simplediv');return false;">Click Here To Show DIV</a> Simple Popup With Auto-Created DIV For this example, there is no DIV defined anywhere on the page for the popup.

Styling Popups With Class Names It's possible to set the classname that will be assigned to a generated DIV by passing it a 'className' value. Click Here To Show DIV with className popupClass1Click Here To Show DIV with className popupClass2 Using A Popup Object Click Here To Show Popup Object Popup. Configuring the Production Web Application to Use the Production Database. Introduction Data-driven web applications usually use a different database when in development than when in production. For applications hosted by a web host provider and developed locally, the development database typically resides on the developer s computer while the production database is hosted on a database server at the web hosting company s facility.

Deploying a data-driven web application entails copying the development database to the production database server. In the previous tutorial we looked at ways to accomplish this step. The web application uses the information in a connection string to establish a connection with the database. It is not uncommon for configuration information to differ between the development and production environments. Examining the Connection String Information The connection string used by the Book Reviews web application is stored in the application s configuration file, Web.config. <configuration> ... The connection string - Data Source=. Summary. Publishing ASP.NET MVC2 Application on Windows Server 2008 IIS 7 with Visual Studio 2008 on platform .NET 3.5 SP1 « Prepare you server: 1. Go to Server Manager and select Add Roles, and install Web Server 2. Mark ASP.NET and install 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Now the server is prepared to run MVC2 web application!

Prepare your project to be published 1. 2. System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll System.Web.Mvc.dll If you are running .NET Framework 3.5 NOT .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 change properties for all these. System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll System.Web.Abstractions.dll System.Web.Mvc.dll System.Web.Routing.dll 6. To And uncomment this bit: 7. . * What we need: - Configuration and settings files (e.g., Web.config and any *.settings files) - Uncompiled view templates (*.aspx, *.ascx, and *.Master) - Global.asax (this tells ASP.NET which compiled class represents your global HttpApplication) - Any static files (e.g., images, CSS files, and JavaScript files) - Optionally, the *.pdb files in your \bin folder, which enable extra debugging information (these are rarely deployed to production servers) Good Luck!