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Voicethread Resources

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Conversations in the cloud. Mobile. Voicethread 4 Education - home. Life Feast: Wordle + VoiceThread + Ipad. After reading Jose Picardo's post about having used only one iPad in class, I decided to give it a go. I've recently got an iPad as a gift and wanted to see what I could do with it in class. Well, this afternoon I took my iPad to class as I wanted to record students reading their own sentences to a voice thread created by a colleague (AureaStela). Stela had the brilliant idea to create a wordcloud with verbs which take GERUND and INFINITIVE and then asked her students to record sentences using the given verbs. This is what I proposed to my students today: 1. First, I opened her voice thread on the IWB and played the recordings for them. 2. Impressions? VoiceThread by Amanda Asbell on Prezi.

Getting Children Involved with Edtech. Posted by Shelly Terrell on Saturday, August 1st 2009 The Problem Although I have taught English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) for several years, I only began to teach very young children two years ago. You may have read in one of my earlier posts how my initial experience was quite unsuccessful with children climbing on the wall, literally! However, I am not one who gives up so easily! I have learned quite a bit since then and have employed various methodologies and instructional methods, such as cooperative learning. Why? The children are less of a challenge as the barriers teachers face daily when pursuing such a hefty ambition. Which is the right technology to support learning goals? PLN at Work! My philosophy, as you may know from reading this blog, is that Twitter leads to great collaboration! The idea was to find a way to encourage my German students to use the English they learned. Why I Love the VoiceThread Project! The children’s identities are hidden!

Challenge: Seventeen Interesting Ways To Use Voicethread. Conversations in the cloud.