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Tools. First, I want to make clear that I’m not a fan of 100% automated personal Twitter accounts.


Not only are they considered spam by many, but those who automate all the time are missing out on one major part of social media — the conversations.Having said that, there is a place for streamlining your social media presence through automation. Let’s say, for example, that you have a business Twitter account that was created with the sole purpose of spitting out relevant articles and related business news to your followers. The Web Blend. Categories. Apple (51)Mac OSX, iOS, iPhone, iPad, iPadWindows (15)Microsoft, Windows Phone, MetroPSD (392)Adobe Photoshop, PS, LayeredHTML (97)HTML5, Marked up, TemplateCSS (102)Cascade style sheet, CSS3, WebkitjQuery (58)Java script, JS, JSPVector (25)Adobe Illustrator, AI, EPS, SVG, PDF UI Elements Color Themes.


X11 Color Chart. DesignModo - Web Design and Development Magazine. The App Design Handbook. » Get Introduced to APTANA — a WebMasters’ Dream Editor - Sevenseek Tutorials Blog. This WebMaster Skills tutorial series is for webmasters who are familiar with HTML, and want to upgrade your working skills and keep current with new programs and techniques.

» Get Introduced to APTANA — a WebMasters’ Dream Editor - Sevenseek Tutorials Blog

In this Lesson you will learn about the free, cross-platform APTANA Editing program, use it to review an open-source template, and gain an introduction to this very powerful development environment. We’ll stick to HTML and CSS editing here, and continue with AJAX features for APTANA in another tutorial.