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Puzzle based learning

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Bloom’s Taxonomy: The 21st Century Version. So much have been written about Bloom’s taxonomy; one click in a search engine will flood your page with hundreds of articles all of which revolve around this taxonomy. Only few are those who have tried to customize it to fit in the 21st century educational paradigm.

As a fan of Bloom’s pedagogy and being a classroom practitioner, I always look for new ways to improve my learning and teaching, and honestly speaking , if you are a teacher/ educator and still do not understand Bloom’s taxonomy then you are missing out on a great educational resource. The following article is a summary and a fruit of my long painstaking research in the field of Bloom’s taxonomy. The purpose is to help teachers grow professionally and provide them with a solid informational background on how to better understand and apply Bloom’s taxonomy in classrooms in the light of the new technological advances and innovations. 1 – The cognitive : The intellectual or knowledge based domain consisted of 6 levels . Technology and Building Sites. Technology and Building Sites This page is one small part of Good Sites for Kids!

Now with a Morse Code and Cryptology section! Look for to see what's been added lately! Some of the descriptions on this page are a bit long. They have to be, to describe the technology involved. 360° Panorama of London "The 320 gigapixel image - taken by expert photography firm 360Cities – comprises 48,640 individual frames which have been collated into a single panorama by a supercomputer. " Actionbits "Action Bits is a series of in-depth technology skills classes developed by a team of professionals — experienced teachers & veterans of the high-tech industry — committed to teaching kids the computer skills they will need to excel in school...and beyond!

" Activity TV This truly excellent site has at least a couple of hundred good instructional videos on subjects like paper airplanes, science projects, magic, making jewelry, crafts, origami, juggling, cheerleading, cooking (!) Blow the Ballast! Wonderful! Give it five minutes. A few years ago I used to be a hothead. Whenever anyone said anything, I’d think of a way to disagree. I’d push back hard if something didn’t fit my world-view.

It’s like I had to be first with an opinion – as if being first meant something. But what it really meant was that I wasn’t thinking hard enough about the problem. The faster you react, the less you think. Not always, but often. It’s easy to talk about knee jerk reactions as if they are things that only other people have. This came to a head back in 2007. And what did I do? His response changed my life. This was a big moment for me. Richard has spent his career thinking about these problems. There’s also a difference between asking questions and pushing back. Learning to think first rather than react quick is a life long pursuit. If you aren’t sure why this is important, think about this quote from Jonathan Ive regarding Steve Jobs’ reverence for ideas: That’s deep.

There are two things in this world that take no skill: 1. Student Interactives. Information About The Course. We have created a new course (based on the “Puzzle-Based Learning” book) that focuses on getting students to think about framing and solving unstructured problems. We believe that the course is based on the best traditions introduced by Gyorgy Polya and Martin Gardner during the last 60 years. The course can be offered as a full semester course or as a unit – part of an introductory course (e.g. Introduction to Engineering, or Introduction to Business). The course follows the text: each week in the semester (for a full semester course) or each single lecture (in the unit version of the course) corresponds to one chapter of the book.

Thus during each of the first three lectures a single problem-solving rule is discussed. To enhance student engagement and participation, many of the assignments can be based on software versions of some puzzles and provided to students in the form of serious games. Finally, power-point slides and other teaching materials are available on request.