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Vision College - School of Leadership - Bible College | Vision College. Thinking about going to Bible College? Our School of Leadership is the Bible College part of Vision Colllege. We have a long history as a Bible College - dating back to the 1960's when we were known as Te Nikau Bible Training College, based in Paraparaumu. In 1998 we moved to Hamilton and are now called Vision College. It has all grown from there. So if you're passionate for God and want to grow in your understanding of God, the Bible and ministry, you've come to the right place. Learn more about the qualifications available at the Vision College School of Leadership. Certificate in Ministry (Level 4) • 3 years • Part-time Bible College • Weekend block courses in Taupo or Christchurch Diploma in Ministry (Level 5) 3 Great Options for Study: • 1 year • Full-time Bible College • Study on-campus in Hamilton • 1 year • Full-time Bible College • Internship anywhere in NZ • 3 years • Part-time Bible College • Weekend block courses in Taupo or Christchurch; night classes in Christchurch.

From the Author - Esther Perel. Articles | Esther Perel. Esther Perel | Therapist – Author – Speaker. Esther Perel: The secret to desire in a long-term relationship. Esther perel. Rebecca Kamm: Could love drugs save your relationship? - Life & Style. Here's something to mull over the next time you feel you might happily fling your dearest out the nearest window: what if we could take "love drugs" to fix our romantic relationships - counteract dwindling passion, for instance, or crawl out of a communication rut? So as long the relationship wasn't abusive or inherently flawed (fact: at least one in ten people have a personality disorder) the careful administration of safe levels of MDMA - the principal ingredient of the street drug ecstasy - could potentially act as a pharmacological aid that keeps us together.

After all, love in this 'modern' age - perhaps more than any other in recorded history - is rocky terrain, and that's putting it mildly. Underpinning all that, our lifespans have outstripped our biological imperatives. In other words, nature holds us in the vice of passion just long enough to produce and protect our offspring, but after that we're on our own. And we're on our own for longer, because we now live for longer. And: 50 Best Cheap Date Ideas - Handmade Wedding | Emmaline Bride™ Posted July 20, 2012 | 110 Comments The weekend is right around the corner and we thought it was a great opportunity to share this fun weekend-ready post.

For some couples, once they get engaged the ‘dates’ go right out the window, traded in for constant wedding planning. We say… bring on the date nights! Take a (temporary) wedding planning break once in awhile to remember why you’re tying the knot in the first place. Be spontaneous. Surprise him or her. P.S. 50 Cheap Date Ideas 1. Photo by lindsey k photography Oh, and bring your pup. 2. 10. Photo by click chick images 11. 15. Photo by eric boneske photography (remember this cute couple?) 16. 21. Photo by joe elario photography via de lovely affair 22. 27. 31. Photo by lavida creations 32. 41. Photo by eplove 42. It doesn’t matter what the activity is… just have fun, take a break from stressing out, and enjoy spending some one-on-one time together. So, we want to know… What are YOUR favorite cheap date ideas? Happy Planning! P.S. P.S.S. Relationships. Anthony Robbins Free Training.

Shame. We feel shame when we think of poorly of ourselves. It is our sense of our own incompetence or powerlessness. Shame is the emotion that encourages us to do our best. When we are ashamed we may feel vulnerable and even helpless. Shame reflects a decrease in stature while pride is the emotion reflecting an increase in stature.

Definitions Feeling badly about yourself. Root: from Indo-European: skem-, from *kem- “to cover, to veil, to hide” Shame is closely related to, but distinct from guilt. Related Terms: Many words in our vocabulary describe forms of shame. Physiological Responses The proverbial red face is an unmistakable physiological response to shame, often called embarrassment. Antidotes Don't blame yourself disproportionately; understand all the factors responsible for contributing to the loss. Benefits and Dangers of Shame Shame is the inevitable result of self-awareness, introspection, and self-appraisal. Shame lurks in the gap between what is and what ought to be.

Primal Messages. 10 Truths to Keep Your Relationship Healthy. I think it's easy to make things more complicated than they need to be. Here are some basic rules of the relationship road that will keep you headed in the right direction 1. Successful relationships take work. They don't happen in a vacuum. They occur when the couples in them take the risk of sharing what it is that's going on in their hearts and heads. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

There are no guarantees, but couples who practice these techniques have longer and stronger relationships than those who are not proactive in their love. Dr. Guilt, Shame, Ecstasy. Everyone has experienced guilt at one time or another. In fact, millions of people are burdened by feelings of guilt of all sorts, especially sexual guilt. But what is guilt? What, in particular, is sexual guilt? Where does it come from? The word guilt stems from the Old English term gylt, which refers to a fine for an offense. Not infrequently our guilt feelings are quite disproportionate to their causes and any consequences arising from them. Guilt: A Normal Emotion Not all guilt is inappropriate and unhealthy, however.

Psychotherapists know that even those clients who are not aware of any guilt feelings or who deny having them soon discover, if confronted with their unconscious, that they are in fact sitting on a Pandora's box of guilt. As you will shortly see, guilt has even deeper roots, which reach down into the human condition itself. Guilt is closely connected with shame but must be distinguished from it. There are important differences between shame and guilt. About the Author. The Top 10 Relationship Words That Aren't Translatable Into English | Marriage 3.0. Here are my top ten words, compiled from online collections, to describe love, desire and relationships that have no real English translation, but that capture subtle realities that even we English speakers have felt once or twice.

As I came across these words I’d have the occasional epiphany: “Oh yeah! That’s what I was feeling...” Mamihlapinatapei (Yagan, an indigenous language of Tierra del Fuego): The wordless yet meaningful look shared by two people who desire to initiate something, but are both reluctant to start. Oh yes, this is an exquisite word, compressing a thrilling and scary relationship moment. It’s that delicious, cusp-y moment of imminent seduction. Neither of you has mustered the courage to make a move, yet. Yuanfen (Chinese): A relationship by fate or destiny. From what I glean, in common usage yuanfen means the "binding force" that links two people together in any relationship.

But interestingly, “fate” isn’t the same thing as “destiny.” Untitled. Truly passionate sex beats obligatory makeup sex any day. Maybe men don't feel the difference, but we women do. We hate fighting—it makes us feel alienated, confused, and downright disappointed. But the next time we bite your head off, don't rush to pack up your CDs. Experts insist that squabbling (but not screaming) is a healthy sign. It's silence that should scare you. "The guy might think everything's okay since they're not arguing much, but that can really mean she's over the relationship and planning her exit strategy," says Karen Sherman, Ph.D., author of Marriage Magic!

Find It, Keep It, Make It Last. You need to know what her fighting words mean. The Attention Fight Opening Volley: "We don't go out anymore. " It Means: She's nostalgic. Battle Tactics: Once a month, surprise her with a real plan. What You Win: Dinner counts as foreplay. The Friends Fight Opening Volley: "What's with the morons in your fantasy baseball league, anyway? " It Means: She's questioning your judgment. 10 Happiness Tips for People Who Have Been Hurt. “Pain is inevitable.

Suffering is optional.” ~Unknown Maybe someone hurt you physically or emotionally. Maybe you’ve survived something else traumatic—a natural disaster, a fire, an armed robbery. Or maybe you’ve just come out of a trying situation, and though you know you’ll eventually recover, you still feel pain that seems unbearable. Whatever the case may be, you’ve been scarred and you carry it with you through many of your days. Most of us can relate on some level to that feeling. To a teenager who just had her heart broken, the pain really seems like the end of the world. Presumably, not all of those teens have suffered incomprehensible tragedies. When you’re hurting some people might tell you to “suck it up and deal,” as if that’s a valid solution. Like everyone, I’ve been hurt, in both profound and trivial ways. 1.

It’s not always easy to identify and understand what’s hurting you. 2. 3. Reliving the past can be addictive. In other words, it allows you to torture yourself. 4. 5.