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Asset Management

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Refereed_Conference_Paper_Building_Infrastructure_Asset_Management.pdf (application/pdf Object) Asset management. Infrastructure asset management[edit] Infrastructure asset management is the combination of management, financial, economic, engineering, and other practices applied to physical assets with the objective of providing the required level of service in the most cost-effective manner. It includes the management of the whole life cycle (design, construction, commissioning, operating, maintaining, repairing, modifying, replacing and decommissioning/disposal) of physical and infrastructure assets.[1] Operating and sustainment of assets in a constrained budget environment require some sort of prioritization scheme.

Historical background of asset management[edit] Civilization has always relied on its technological assets to support key functions like transport, public health, business, and commerce. Financial asset management[edit] Investment management: the sector of the financial services industry that manages collective investment schemes and segregated client accounts. See also[edit] Developing Strategic Asset Management Plans. Developing Strategic Asset Management Plans - Contents. Application/pdf Object) Asset Management | Sustainable Infrastructure. In water and wastewater systems, an "asset" is a component of a facility with an independent physical and functional identity and age (e.g., pump, motor, sedimentation tank, main). The renewal and replacement of the assets that make up our nation's water infrastructure is a constant and ongoing task. To efficiently manage this important part of a utility's business, many have turned to asset management.

This approach has gained recognition all across the world—and across all infrastructure heavy sectors—for its effectiveness in maximizing the value of capital as well as operations and maintenance expenditures. Explore EPA- and partner-provided asset management guides and tools on our Asset Management Resources page.Advanced asset management training workshop materials and information can be found on our Asset Management Training Workshops page. What is asset management? An example industry definition for asset management: Top of page What are some benefits of asset management? Asset Management in the Victorian Public Sector: Department of Treasury and Finance. Overview Asset management is relevant to the whole of asset life, and encompasses four key stages of the asset lifecycle. The four stages are: informed and proactive decision making regarding asset investment;procurement of appropriate assets;maintaining, upgrading and operating assets; andmanaging the treatment of assets at the end of their useful life.

Asset management framework (AMF) Note: The AMF is under review and will updated in 2013-14. The AMF is the set of explicit products and processes that must be undertaken by government and its departments and agencies that together address the asset management responsibilities of the State. This provides the capabilities to enable the efficient delivery of services to the community. The AMF provides the methodology for implementing the policy objectives set out in Sustaining Our Assets (2000).

It also provides a link between the overarching policy and the practical reference guide, the Asset Management Series. Asset_Management_Guide_2004 Sport & Recreation Facilites.