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नाभि चिकित्सा नाभि के खिसकने से मनुष्य की मस्तिष्क एवं आध्यात्मिक क्षमताएं अत्यंत कम तथा छृद हो जाती हैं।

नाभि चिकित्सा

यदि गलत जगह पर खिसक जाए व स्थायी हो जाए तो इसका हमारी काया पर परिणाम अत्यधिक खराब हो सकता हैं। नाभि को अपने स्थान पर लाना एक कठिन कार्य है। थोड़ी-सी गड़बड़ी किसी अन्य नई बीमारी को जन्म दे सकती है। नाभि की नाड़ियों का संबंध काया के आंतरिक अंगों की सूचना प्रणाली से होता है इसलिए नाभि नाड़ी को अपने स्थान बैठाने के लिए इसके योग्य व जानकार चिकित्सकों का ही सहारा लिया जाना चाहिए। नाभि को अपने यथास्थान लाने के लिए पीड़ित को रात में कुछ खाने को नहीं देना। नाभि में १४०० से ज्यादा प्रकार के बैक्टीरिया पाए जाते हैं, जो बाहरी बैक्टीरिया से हमारे काया की रक्षा करते हैं।

समुद्र शास्त्र में नाभि के आकार-प्रकार के अनुसार स्‍त्री तथा पुरुष के व्यक्तित्व के बारे में उल्लेख मिलता है। जिन लोगों की नाभि ऊपर की ओर बड़ी तथा गहरी है, तो ऐसे लोग हंसमुख तथा मिलनसार स्वभाव के होते हैं। नाभि चिकत्सा आयुर्वेद का एक विशेष उपचार है जिसमें कुछ दवाओं को लागू किया जाता है या कुछ विकारों का मुकाबला करने के लिए नाभि में लगाया जाता है। Remarkable Evolution of Digital Marketing - Pace Web Solutions. Product, price, place and promotion are the most essential element in Marketing.

Remarkable Evolution of Digital Marketing - Pace Web Solutions

It is true! However, the most crucial one amongst all the 4P’s is Promotion, Because if the promotion is wrong, your product price and place will be of no use. That is why you must choose the right promotion strategy. Marketing is all about Promoting the Right Product at the Right Place and the Right Price. In earlier times, marketing was done through newspapers, print media, Pamphlet distribution, Banners, Hoardings, etc. 9 Actionable Digital Marketing Strategies For Real Estate Business 2020 [Updated] Are you in Real Estate Business?

9 Actionable Digital Marketing Strategies For Real Estate Business 2020 [Updated]

If yes, And finding Digital Marketing Strategy for Real Estate Business then you are at the RIGHT place. Welcome to you all, today I am going to share with you 9 Actionable Digital Marketing Strategy for Real Estate Business by keeping in mind the Indian market, which you can use from now. So, keep reading…… I am not aiming in dark, I have well-researched data about the Real Estate in the Digital Age By National Association of REALTORS® Research Group. And base on this study and personal experience I am sharing these 9 Actionable and Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Business. These Digital Marketing Strategies for Real estate business, if you apply to your business, I guarantee, you will achieve game-changing results in your industry. 5 Best Digital Marketing Strategies For Restaurant Business [Updated 2020]

Are you a restaurant owner?

5 Best Digital Marketing Strategies For Restaurant Business [Updated 2020]

Want to know the Digital Marketing Strategies to grow your restaurant on the next level? In this blog, I am going to share with you TOP 5 BEST Digital Marketing Strategies For Restaurant Business that helps you to grow your restaurant business next level. So without wasting any time let’s start with 👇 what is Digital Marketing? According to Wikipedia,” Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium.”

TOP 11 Best Digital Marketing Strategies For Travel Business. Let’s clarify this with your business: See, after running PPC ad campaigns, social media ad campaigns, writing SEO friendly blogs, you will definitely get leads, and you convert them into a paying customer, but what next?

TOP 11 Best Digital Marketing Strategies For Travel Business

Finding new leads and trying to turn them into a paying customer? Because every travel business does this same thing and I saw many travel agencies with this approach, they are in the same place where they had started. So if you will do the same thing that many travel agencies do then definitely you will get the same result that every travel agency got. And that’s what you don’t want. So here, I am sharing one strategy that all successful businesses are using today and growing day by day, including travel businesses i.e. retaining their customers.

Take any successful travel business model you will find they are focusing on retaining their customers. But The Question is: 15 Best Digital Marketing Strategies For Ecommerce Business 2020. The next Digital Marketing Strategy For Ecommerce Business is Display Advertising.

15 Best Digital Marketing Strategies For Ecommerce Business 2020

It is the BEST digital marketing strategy that helps you in converting you visitor into your customer. Now the question is What is Display Advertising? Comment below…from the word “Display Advertising” what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?’ If I am not wrong then Advertisement through Visuals like Images, Videos…Right? Now Display Advertising is nothing more than that. According to, “Display advertising refers to the process of advertising a product or service through visuals like images and videos on networks of publisher websites such as the Google Display Network and Facebook, etc.”

Now let’s understand with the basic example from our day to day life… I hope you had visited on amazon or Flipkart. Now I hope you have experienced that amazon or flipkart continuously displays that shirt on your mobile phone…Right? This is display advertising. Let’s understand with our real-life example…