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Enso Beta Products. MIT Creates Amazing UI From Levitating Orbs. Anyone else see The Avengers? Just like in Iron Man 1 and 2, Tony Stark has the coolest interactive 3-D displays. He can pull a digital wire frame out of a set of blueprints or wrap an exoskeleton around his arm. Those moments aren’t just sci-fi fun; they’re full of visionary ideas to explore and manipulate objects in 3-D space. Except for one thing: How would Stark feel all of these objects to move them around? In reality, he’d be touching nothing but air. Jinha Lee, from the Tangible Media Group of the MIT Media Lab, in collaboration with Rehmi Post and Hiroshi Ishii, has been playing with the idea of manipulating real floating objects in 3-D space to create a truly tactile user interface.

His prototype is called the ZeroN, and it will drop your jaw when you see it working for the first (and second and third) time. It’s essentially a small field in which gravity doesn’t overcome an object. Interviewing Lee, I realized he’s one-part scientist, one-part philosopher. [Hat tip: designboom] Yast.

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READ MORE ABOUT ADDING MULTIPLAYER AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR SPREADING THE WORD TODAY When you pledge, you get immediate access to create your account and download the Code Hero game beta. To move a platform down, shoot hitObject.transform.position.y-=2; Enter the World of Code as a Primer Labs Game Tester and enroll in the mysterious Gamebridge Unityversity to learn enough to challenge FizzBoss! FizzBoss is the first test of your code knowledge combining the Javascript and Unity game programming that you learn.

ShipBoss ultimately challenges you to make a game of your own to earn a place as a Shipped Officer on the Real Artists Ship! PETITIONERS WELCOME.