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Top Web Intrigues. Top Web Intrigues. Self-Determination. RSA Animate - Crises of Capitalism. Logical Fallacies. Welcome Welcome to an official mirror site of The point of an argument is to give reasons in support of some conclusion. An argument commits a fallacy when the reasons offered do not support the conclusion. See How To Use This Guide. If you can think of more fallacies that you'd really like to see, please send me a note. In the long run, this site will become a complete discussion of logic. Understanding The Modern Monetary System. Drug War Clock. Researchers examining the effectiveness of ONDCP's anti-drug media campaign reported: "The NSPY [National Survey of Parents and Youth] did not find significant reductions in marijuana use either leading up to or after the Marijuana campaign for youth 12 to 18 years old between 2002 and 2003.

Indeed there was evidence for an increase in past month and past year use among the target audience of 14- to 16-year-olds, although it appears that the increase was already in place in the last half of 2002, before the launch of the Marijuana Initiative. It will be worthwhile to track whether the nonsignificant decline from the second half of 2002 through the first half of 2003 is the beginning of a true trend. Navigating Neoliberalism: Political Aesthetics in an Age of Crisis (Nick Srnicek) Navigating Neoliberalism3 the ensemble of society’s structures as a whole.” In charting through a loose set of historical periods from national to imperialist to globalised capitalism, Jameson arguesthat at one time the nature of capitalism was such that one could potentially establish acorrespondence between our local phenomenological experiences and the economicstructure that determined it. We could, in other words, establish a cognitive map of oureconomic space, thereby making intelligible the world around us.

With therise of globalisation, however, Jameson claims that this is no longer the case. We can no longersimply extrapolate from our local experience and develop a map of the global economicsystem. With globalised capitalism havingbecome unbound from anyphenomenological coordinates, this possibility for a socialist politics has becomeincreasingly difficult.At the heart of the problem is that “the economy is not found as anempirical object among other worldly things[.]

Jameson, Navigating Neoliberalism: Political Aesthetics in an Age of Crisis (Nick Srnicek) The Illusion of Free Markets - Bernard E. Harcourt. It is widely believed today that the free market is the best mechanism ever invented to efficiently allocate resources in society. Just as fundamental as faith in the free market is the belief that government has a legitimate and competent role in policing and the punishment arena.

This curious incendiary combination of free market efficiency and the Big Brother state has become seemingly obvious, but it hinges on the illusion of a supposedly natural order in the economic realm. The Illusion of Free Markets argues that our faith in “free markets” has severely distorted American politics and punishment practices. Bernard Harcourt traces the birth of the idea of natural order to eighteenth-century economic thought and reveals its gradual evolution through the Chicago School of economics and ultimately into today’s myth of the free market.

This modern vision rests on a simple but devastating illusion. Neoliberalism - reading... A Brief History of Neoliberalism: David Harvey.