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Dehydrated Watermelon and Dehydrated Cantoloupe. There`s not a lot of mystery in how to dehydrate a melon: Remove rindCut in even slicesPlace in dehydrator at 135 until thin, dry and leathery (near brittle but not quite).

Dehydrated Watermelon and Dehydrated Cantoloupe

The process takes 12-18 hours – but is greatly dependant on the thickness of your slices (our quarter-inch slices were pretty close to 18 hours). Dehydrated Kiwi, Nature’s Sweet and Sour Candy. Dehydrating Blackberries ~ Good as Grandma's - Food Preserving. Blackberries are not yet in season but due to the overly arm and premature spring we are having, I notice they are already blooming where I live.

Dehydrating Blackberries ~ Good as Grandma's - Food Preserving

This means in about 8 weeks, give or take a few and barring any mid-to-late spring frosts, I will be out and about collecting blackberries. I have made jam with blackberries. I have frozen them by the bagful and used them from smoothies, cobblers and crumbles. I am now interested in finding other uses because my homestead is packed with wild blackberries. Dehydrating Archives. Spiced apple crisps.