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Archangel Raphael. The Healing I Need Is Flowing Through Me & My Life Now Raphael is the patron of healers and those in need of healing.

Archangel Raphael

This mighty Archangel is able to fearlessly move into what ever area is in need of healing, bringing a host of Angels with him to accomplish this. It does not matter what we are facing, Archangel Raphael is there with us helping us to open our hearts and minds to the healing power of Spirit and the Universe. This Angel works with and through all sorts of healers and counselors, anyone who is willing to open up to the energy of the Higher to bring peace and healing to others. Archangel Gabriel - Channelings, Articles and more on Spirit Library. Archangel Michael (Saint Michael Archangel, Angel Michael), Like Unto God.

In HOODOO and CONJURE The Archangel Michael is the closest to the Lord in the Jewish scriptures, for his very name means "Like Unto God.

Archangel Michael (Saint Michael Archangel, Angel Michael), Like Unto God

" As the eldest Archangel, he is given captaincy of all of God's natural phenomena, including rain, wind, fire, snow, thunder, lightning, and hail. Welcome to Angels-Online, Stories of Angel Encounters, Miracles & Inspiration.