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Looking Back on the Limits of Growth. How To Start A Revolution. The White Savior Industrial Complex - Teju Cole - International. The Divided Brain, Animated. By Maria Popova A hemispheric history of the making of the Western world, or why abstraction is necessary for empathy.

The Divided Brain, Animated

The metaphor of the “left-brain”/”right-brain” divide has permeated pop culture as one of the defining dichotomies of how we think about and describe ourselves. But this metaphor is rooted in a number of neuropsychological realities of how our brains operate — the right hemisphere (the “master”), with its flexibility and capacity for empathy and abstraction but lack of certainty, and the detail-oriented left (the “emissary”), with its preference for mechanisms over living things, its inability to see past the literal, and its propensity for self-interest.

CHOMSKY on WIKILEAKS. Examined Life by Astra Taylor.

Current Affairs

Meet the Gypsy entrepreneurs. Ask anyone from the settled community (known as ‘gorgias’ to Romani Gypsies and as ‘country people’ to Irish Travellers) what Gypsies do for money and the list would be short: tarmacking, roofing, scrap-metal dealing, hawking or maybe horse dealing.

Meet the Gypsy entrepreneurs

This picture, of course, has a germ of truth in it. Many Gypsies still work as skilled labourers — but what’s remarkable is just how entrepreneurial they are, too. These are trading peoples, with a global attitude towards seeking work that would impress even Iain Duncan Smith. I’ve been astonished to discover that many English and Scottish Romani Gypsies are enthusiastic Freemasons. Conversations. Edge : Conversations on the edge of human knowledge.


Science. Religion.