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Viewport Sizes. Getting Acquainted with PhoneGap | In Flagrante Delicto! MAX Session: Advanced PhoneGap Build. PhoneGap Build and PhoneGap 3.0. Today we officially launched PhoneGap 3.0 support for PhoneGap Build. You can read the blog post on it here: PhoneGap 3.0 Now Supported in PhoneGap Build Before you get started, there are a few things I want to call out. The first thing you should note is that Build is not yet defaulting to 3.0 when you create a new project.

If you want to use 3.0, please be sure to specify it in the config.xml file: Next - if you remember my blog post on PhoneGap 3 (PhoneGap 3.0 Released - Things You Should Know), then you remember that the biggest change was to core features. PhoneGap Build also has this rule! In order to include a core plugin with your PhoneGap Build project, simply add the gap:plugin tag to your config.xml file.

PhoneGap Build now has a "Plugins" tab for each project. If you forget the value for a particular plugin, or want to see what PhoneGap Build supports from third parties, just hit the Plugins tab at the very top of the page. Finally, don't forget to peruse the doc updates. Creating a PhoneGap Build app with Edge Animate from the Course Creating Interactive Projects with Edge Animate.

Adobe PhoneGap Build.