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40+ Websites with Unusual Navigation - Noupe. Jul 26 2011 Navigation is the most important part of a website without which no website can effectively operate. Achieving unique navigation that effectively fulfills its purpose is nearly akin to climbing Mount Everest. Having a unique navigation with perfect functionality makes the website easy to navigate, thus ensuring a better users experience. Here, we have collected some sites with amazing and unique navigational elements that will not only inspire you, but will show you how to combine innovation with practicality. CSS and JavaScript Based Navigation Menu Small StoneThe navigation of this site goes with the theme. BountyBevBountyBev turns to their creativity to help make their navigation menu as unique and distinctive as it is. I am YunaBeautiful navigation with exceptional hover effects.

RacketTruly exceptional and creative navigation that shows a hierarchy of menu up to its roots. Side Show Press ShopAn easy to navigate website thanks to its well designed navigation menu. (rb) Academic Education Website Template | Free Website Templates | OS Templates. Education Time Website Template | Free Website Templates | OS Templates. Highland Marketing. Ideaware - User experience and web design agency. MOO | Custom Business Cards, MiniCards, Postcards and more... | Opportunity Website Template | Free Website Templates | OS Templates.
