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Agile Modeling (AM) Home Page: Effective Practices for Modeling and Documentation. Agility With Care: Managing Requirements Change with Agility In A Regulated Product Environment - IIBA 2009. An Introduction to Feature-Driven Development. Feature-Driven Development (FDD) is one of the agile processes not talked or written about very much. Often mentioned in passing in agile software development books and forums, few actually know much about it.

However, if you need to apply agile to larger projects and teams, it is worthwhile taking the time to understand FDD a little more The natural habitat of Scrum and XP-inspired approaches is a small team of skilled and disciplined developers. It remains a significant challenge to scale these approaches to larger projects and larger teams. Some have been successful but many have struggled. Feature-Driven Development (FDD) invented by Jeff De Luca is different.

In the first part of this two-part article, we briefly introduce the ‘just enough’ upfront activities that FDD uses to support the additional communication that inevitably is needed in a larger project/team. Iteration Zero: Getting Set to Deliver FDD Process #1: Develop an Overall Model FDD Process #2: Build a Features List. Cosa è lo sviluppo agile | Sviluppo Agile. Negli ultimi 20 anni le classiche metodologie di project management per lo sviluppo del software sono state riconosciute come inadatte a portare una percentuale sufficiente di progetti verso il completo successo. L’ingegneria tradizionale, con le sue pratiche, non si è mostrata efficace nella produzione di software come con altri prodotti industriali. Un processo di sviluppo agile, secondo il Manifesto per lo Sviluppo Agile di Software è tale se: si focalizza sugli individui partecipanti al progetto e sulla loro interazione piuttosto che sui processi e gli strumentiantepone il buon funzionamento del software alla produzione di documentazione esaustivasi basa sulla collaborazione con il cliente piuttosto che sulla negoziazione di un contrattooffre una buona risposta ai cambiamenti piuttosto che limitarsi a seguire i piani Sono raggruppate quindi sotto questo nome metodologie come Extreme Programming, SCRUM, Feature Driven Development, DSDM, Crystal e Lean Software Development.

Extreme Programming: A Gentle Introduction. Extreme Rules. Planning User stories are written. Release planning creates the release schedule. Make frequent small releases. The project is divided into iterations. Iteration planning starts each iteration. Managing Give the team a dedicated open work space. Set a sustainable pace. A stand up meeting starts each day. The Project Velocity is measured. Move people around. Fix XP when it breaks. Designing Simplicity. Choose a system metaphor. Use CRC cards for design sessions. Create spike solutions to reduce risk. No functionality is added early. Refactor whenever and wherever possible. Handling Non Functional Requirements on an Agile Project. What Is Extreme Programming? - The Code Project - Design and Strategy.

Table Of Contents Introduction Extreme Programming is a combination of simple, common-sense practices stressing communication, teamwork, requirements, and customer satisfaction. It is based on these values: Communication - in order to successfully create and deliver a software product on time, there must be constant and thorough communication between members of the development team. Feedback - Customer involvement and feedback are essential for customer satisfaction. Please consult the Resources section for the sources of the information in this article. Core concepts in XP The concepts of XP require their own vocabulary.

Pair Programming XP assumes that people work best in pairs so that they complement each other's strengths and weaknesses and so that knowledge can be spread between members of the team. Economics. Pairs and roles are changed often so that people can get the benefit of what each other has learned, and get a good feel for all the different areas of the system. Weaknesses Task.