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9 things your content pages must have « DirectoryPress Directory News. Welcome back and i hope you’ve had a successful week in your online activities. Today i want to quickly talk to you about the content pages, these are those pages you will write to advertise/promote or sell products and services online. Every content page on your website is important, even down to the privacy pages or hidden pages you didn’t think anyone would find. Follow my 10 steps below to search engine friendly pages and you’ll never go wrong when creating quality SEO pages. Top 10 things you should do for every page on your website. 1. Research your keywords- Do the research BEFORE you build your pages. I hope by now i have drilled into you the importance of keywords, throughout my lessons i have explained how to research and collect keywords for your chosen market.

You will NEED those keywords in order to build SEO friendly content pages that work! Its really that simple, you MUST research your keywords first! 2. h1/h2 Heading Tags - Keep the title of your pages relevant. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. Content Strategy: The Philosophy of Data - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design. Not that familiar with “content strategy?” That’s ok. It’s in my job title, and I struggle every time I’m asked what I do for a living. Many people have no idea what it means, but even more people bring their own (wrong) assumptions to the conversation.

Usually they think it has something to do with writing copy. The analogy I’ve been using recently is that content strategy is to copywriting as information architecture is to design. The irony of this communication challenge is that the main goal of content strategy is to use words and data to create unambiguous content that supports meaningful, interactive experiences.

So, why has it been so hard for us to communicate what we do? Perhaps the problem is that, because content is so pervasive, everyone thinks they know all there is to know about it. Everything is content Everything is content? How did the need for detailed focus on content emerge in the heavily visually oriented field of web design? Critical mass Time to get practical. Devlounge | Improving Content. This is a guest contributor article. Please support them by visiting their site. Many first time webmasters automatically assume that once their website has launched with a bit of content on it, they will get some hits and regular readers. This is quite untrue. You won’t get any traffic if no one knows about your website. In this article I hope to tackle these problems and discuss some of the common ways webmasters drive more traffic to their site by understanding the user and utilizing various web services. All of the tactics discussed can be applied to blogs or websites.

Website Usability Before I get into getting your website’s name out there, your site has to have some style. Decide on one main form of navigation and stick with it. I highly recommend taking a look at usability guru Jakob Nielsen’s Usability 101, Top Ten Design Mistakes in Blogs and Top Ten Design Mistakes articles. After you have sorted these matters out, take a look at the background framework. Content. Privacy Patterns. Strategie per i contenuti | Articoli Webdesign | Invece, supponiamo che ci sia un certo numero di discipline legate ai contenuti che meritino una loro specifica definizione. Eccole: Strategia editoriale: definisce le linee guida con cui sono gestiti i contenuti online; i valori, il tono, le questioni legali, i contenuti generati dagli utenti, etc. Definisce anche il calendario editoriale dell’organizzazione, inclusi i cicli di vita dei contenuti. Web writing: è la pratica con cui si scrivono contenuti utili e usabili specificamente rivolti ad una pubblicazione online.

Si tratta di qualcosa in più del puro e semplice copywriting. Un web writer di livello deve comprendere le basi dell’esperienza utente, essere in grado di tradurre in pratica la documentazione sull’architettura dell’informazione, scrivere metadati efficaci, saper gestire un inventario di contenuti che si modifica di continuo. Strategia sui metadati: identifica il tipo e la struttura dei metadati, noti anche come “dati sui dati” (o sui contenuti).

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