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La scuola vista dal web: metodologia per l'individuazione dei tipi ideali di sito. 12. Metodologia usata ai fini dell'individuazione dei tipi ideali di sito 12.1. L'analisi statistica a carattere esplorativo L'analisi statistica complessiva effettuata sui dati rilevati si può suddividere in due fasi : la prima con carattere esclusivamente descrittivo, la seconda a carattere esplorativo. LEARNING OBJECTS. INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN. Programming/Learning and Teaching. Social. QUOTIDIANI. Networking. Instructional. Design. Calorie e valori nutrizionali - Ricette. Learning by hacking — Thoughts on creativity. My general principle for how I spend my time is Create Something Every Day.

Learning by hacking — Thoughts on creativity

The “something” could be anything — sometimes a photograph, maybe a drawing of a monster on a birthday card, but more often than not it’s something interesting in code. I’m always sketching with code, and sometimes, what starts as a little experiment can turn into a mini project that takes a few days to build, resulting in something I can show to other people. I call each one of these things, for want of a better word, a hack. Hack, play, learn A hack is a tiny, often throwaway, rapid prototype. Citazioni Latine.


Coach: Teach more. Scuola digitale. TUTORIAL. TEACHING. Idee Progetti Scuola. PATTERN.