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Niagara Falls Winter 1911 - Bits-and-Pieces. Underground Cities: 3500 Years of Cappadocian Cave Homes. Cities, empires and religions have risen and fallen around these unique underground havens once used by early Christians to hide from Roman armies, yet they remains occupied to this day – 100 square miles with 200+ underground villages and tunnel towns complete with hidden passages, secret rooms and ancient temples and a remarkably storied history of each new civilization building on the work of the last.

Underground Cities: 3500 Years of Cappadocian Cave Homes

The fields of architecture and urban design would do well to center their sustainable sights on this unique site – few structures outside of this area in Cappadocia have survived for so long. Some of these buildings go up to five full stories underground and date back to Roman times or beyond, though many caves were carved out by human hands long before their empire arrived. (Images via AlaskanDude) Centered in modern day Turkey, this region has passed between hands many times. The Easter Island “Heads” Have Bodies.