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Life-Sized Lego House. James May, the presenter of the BBC's Top Gear, has an amazing deal for you: a two story house free of charge.

Life-Sized Lego House

That's right, he's giving it away for nothing! Of course, you're probably wondering what the catch is in this case and it's a bog one: May's house is made completely out of over three million legos. Oh, and you'll have to move it. May built the house in a vineyard under the assumption that Legoland was going to create a park in Windsor, Berkshire. - Ken's Virtual Drumkit.

Spotted this today at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Newest Creations From Edgar Mueller aka Super Artist aka The Chalk Guy. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed.

Newest Creations From Edgar Mueller aka Super Artist aka The Chalk Guy

Thanks for visiting! Call HART crazy .. but.