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Fun and Games

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Economics In One Lesson - The Basic Lesson. Virtonomics :: Economics game online! Multiplayer business browser strategy with the opportunity to make money! High School Technology Lesson Plans at Internet 4 Classrooms. Motivation Activities. - Free typing games online, fun and lesson based keyboarding games including home row!

The Gaming Revolution in Education. Gaming is one of the favourite things kids and even some adults love to do on their mobile devices. Some spend hours with eyes glued to their screens Playing Nintindo or Angry Birds, others create groups and teams and play until early hours of morning. I do not blame parents when they would come complaining about their kids spenidng more times in front of their computers playing games then they would do on homework assignments.

Gaming can be a real obstacle to learning if used with no moderation. But you can turn gaming into a positive element in your kids learning process if correctly controlled. Below is an infographic that features some amazing facts about how video games has revolutionized education. Check it out and share it with others. Click on the picture to make it bigger. EDUC 8842 Gaming and Education.