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Emma's Story - Cyberbullied by a Best Friend Video. Safebook. Bullying UK - Part of Family Lives, Help and support for the nation. Cyberbullying. Cyber Bullying Virus. Let's Stop Bullying: Advice for Young People. Let's stop Advice for Young People Nobody has the right to hurt other people by hitting them, kicking them, calling them names, spreading rumours about them or by doing anything else which is intended to be upsetting. Bullies try to justify their actions by saying that it is their victim's fault for being different. They may pick on someone who is tall or small, or fat or thin, or wears glasses, or has a different accent, or another religion, or is shy or clever, or good looking, or disabled or . . . Any excuse will do, and if there is no real difference then the bullies will invent one.

If this is happening to you tell yourself that it is not your fault, and that it is the bullies who need to change, not you. What To Do Talk to someone you can trust, a teacher, parent, older friend or relative.Be persistent. What Not To Do Adult Bullying Bullying is wrong whatever the age of the person who is bullying you. If this is happening at school you can talk to your parents. Working Together. Thinkuknow - home. What to do about bullying. Online Safety Guide. Home / Kids' Safety / Safety Guide Keeping children safe on the Internet is everyone's job. Parents need to stay in close touch with their kids as they explore the Internet.Teachers need to help students use the Internet appropriately and safely.Community groups, including libraries, after-school programs, and others should help educate the public about safe surfing.Kids and teens need to learn to take responsibility for their own behavior -- with guidance from their families and communities.It's not at all uncommon for kids to know more about the Internet and computers than their parents or teachers.

If that's the case in your home or classroom, don't despair. You can use this as an opportunity to turn the tables by having your child teach you a thing or two about the Internet. Ask her where she likes to go on the Internet and what she thinks you might enjoy on the Net. A little perspective from a parent who's been there The challenges posed by the Internet can be positive.