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Paradise Papers: Isle of Man law 'sanctioned' tax dodge. Paradise Papers. Countries with politicians, public officials, or close associates named in the leak The Paradise Papers are a set of 13.4 million confidential electronic documents relating to offshore investments that were leaked to the German reporters Frederik Obermaier and Bastian Obermayer[1] from the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Paradise Papers

The newspaper shared them with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists,[2] and a network of more than 380 journalists. Some of the details were made public on 5 November 2017 and stories are still being released. Background[edit] Appleby stated the firm "was not the subject of a leak but of a serious criminal act" and that "this was an illegal computer hack".


Test Yourself. NATO’s Warmongers. The News International March 17, 2014 Nato’s warmongers Brian Cloughley.

NATO’s Warmongers

NATO’s Warmongers. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) has deployed reconnaissance aircraft to Poland and Romania “to monitor the Ukrainian crisis” in order to “intensify our ongoing assessment of the implications of this crisis for Alliance security.”

NATO’s Warmongers

But there is no threat whatsoever to any member of Nato. There is no crisis affecting that redundant military grouping. The current dispute between Russia and Ukraine has nothing to do with any Nato country. But their bilateral problem has resulted in deployment of squadrons of US F-15 attack aircraft to Lithuania and F-16s to Poland. And the Pentagon has sent a guided missile frigate to the Black Sea for “engagements with Bulgarian and Romanian navies.”

Nobody (except Russia) knows what other jiggery-pokery the US and its Nato puppets are up to in the way of sending ships, spooks and planes to threaten Russia, although it is obvious that tension is being deliberately ramped up. Damn The Warocracy: George L. Fouke, Ph.D.: 9780982074411: NATO’s Warmongers » The Greanville Post —Vol. VII- 2014. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) has deployed reconnaissance aircraft to Poland and Romania “to monitor the Ukrainian crisis” in order to “intensify our ongoing assessment of the implications of this crisis for Alliance security.”

NATO’s Warmongers » The Greanville Post —Vol. VII- 2014

But there is no threat whatsoever to any member of Nato. There is no crisis affecting that redundant military grouping. The current dispute between Russia and Ukraine has nothing to do with any Nato country. But their bilateral problem has resulted in deployment of squadrons of US F-15 attack aircraft to Lithuania and F-16s to Poland. And the Pentagon has sent a guided missile frigate to the Black Sea for “engagements with Bulgarian and Romanian navies.” Nobody (except Russia) knows what other jiggery-pokery the US and its Nato puppets are up to in the way of sending ships, spooks and planes to threaten Russia, although it is obvious that tension is being deliberately ramped up.

Richard Lazzara - #warocracy.


Plans for Nuclear Strike on China Hidden in NDAA 2013. Terrorists Won the War on Terror; 74% of Pakistanis View US as Enemy, 60% Have No Confidence in Obama - Mike Shedlock. Eric Tillberg, writer on Policy Mic says The War On Terror is Over, and the Terrorists Won.

Terrorists Won the War on Terror; 74% of Pakistanis View US as Enemy, 60% Have No Confidence in Obama - Mike Shedlock

After the first two shots of the War on Terror on September 11, 2001, the first major battle of the war occurred, and was lost, on October 26, 2001. This was the day the PATRIOT Act was signed into law by President Bush. Terrorists, by killing 3,000 people in a spectacular fashion, goaded the United States into compromising its values and betraying its citizens.As a followup, the terrorists won another victory with the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security on November 25, 2002. The Last Chance to Stop the NDAA. The Supreme Court building.

The Last Chance to Stop the NDAA

The Last Chance to Stop the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA): “Permits Military to Seize U.S. Citizens, Hold them Indefinitely in Military Facilities”. I and my fellow plaintiffs have begun the third and final round of our battle to get the courts to strike down a section of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that permits the military to seize U.S. citizens, strip them of due process and hold them indefinitely in military facilities.

The Last Chance to Stop the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA): “Permits Military to Seize U.S. Citizens, Hold them Indefinitely in Military Facilities”.

Carl Mayer and Bruce Afran, the lawyers who with me in January 2012 brought a lawsuit against President Barack Obama (Hedges v. Obama), are about to file papers asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear our appeal of a 2013 ruling on the act’s Section 1021. “First the terrorism-industrial complex assured Americans that they were only spying on foreigners, not U.S. citizens,” Mayer said to me recently. “Then they assured us that they were only spying on phone calls, not electronic communications. Last year we won round one: U.S. In July 2013 the appellate court, in round two, overturned Forrest’s ruling. Thus far, I have only hear[d] rumors but not gotten any substantial connection. Obama Urges Congress to Support Tricare Fees. On Monday the White House pressed the Pentagon to rein in Tricare costs and begin a new round of base closings as the Senate took up the National Defense Authorization Act on the military’s 2014 budget.

There are a number of areas of agreement with the initial markup of the Senate Armed Services Committee on the NDAA, but the administration "has serious concerns with certain provisions," Office of Management and Budget officials said in a lengthy response to the markup. OMB called on SASC to control Tricare costs at the Department of Defense "while keeping retired beneficiaries' share of these costs well below the levels experienced when the Tricare program was implemented in the mid-1990s.

" Slowing the growth of Tricare costs would result in savings of $902 million in fiscal year 2014 and $9.3 billion through fiscal year 2018. Those savings were needed to offset projected increases in personnel costs, OMB said. National Defense Authorization Act of FY 2014 - News - Senators Elizabeth Warren and Marco Rubio Introduce Bipartisan Measure to Protect Veterans from Housing Scams. Richard Lazzara - #WarOcracry,#BuyMyArt. Glenn Greenwald: 'A Lot' More NSA Documents to Come. A popular sentiment at the CCC.

Glenn Greenwald: 'A Lot' More NSA Documents to Come

Nearly seven months after journalist and privacy activist Glenn Greenwald publicized Edward Snowden’s first revelations of the vast scope of the NSA’s digital surveillance, his life has changed absolutely. Living in Brazil, he is advised not to travel. He’s a hero to privacy activists, and demonized by governments and national security agencies. And in a video keynote address to the Chaos Communication Congress (CCC) in Hamburg today, he promised that he and Edward Snowden aren’t anywhere near finished. “There are a lot more stories to come, a lot more documents that will be covered,” Greenwald said. Greenwald’s role as keynote speaker at a conference attended in large part by programmers and hardware hackers was sign of how badly the half-year of revelations of digital surveillance by the NSA and its allies has shaken the hacker and privacy communities.

“This is a digital agent orange. “Power sectors don’t get persuaded by lofty arguments. Glenn Greenwald: 'A Lot' More NSA Documents to Come. Damn the Warocracy: A Plea to Restore American Democracy - George L. Fouke.