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How To Easily Create A Custom WordPress Theme. You want to start your own blog but you don’t want to look tacky by using an existing design. Creating your own theme can be daunting, but with some assistance you can have a unique design for your blog in no time. This post will help you put it all together using WordPress, the most popular (and free) blogging software available. Creating a WordPress theme can take quite a bit of work when you’re starting from scratch, because you have to put together quite a bit of PHP code (the programming language WordPress uses) before you can even get to creating the look and feel of your site.

We’re going to save you the trouble by providing those files pre-made for you, plus a skeletal structure of the CSS you’re going to need to make your WordPress site look the way you want. The PHP code is based upon the work of Ian Stewart, but has been updated for WordPress 3.3.1. If you’re ready to get started, here’s what you’ll need: WordPress, installed and ready to go. Style Your WordPress Theme Header. Basics Of Photoshop: Designing A Website. For our last lesson, we’re going to take a look at how to use Photoshop to layout and mock up a web design from scratch. If there ever was a Photoshop lesson that required the video component, it’s this one. In this lesson we look at using the Shape and Text tools to create a website design from scratch. None of these concepts can really be written out, so there is very little accompanying text with this lesson.

You’ve already learned most of the tools in previous lessons and so this one just shows you how to put them to use to create a site. There are a few new things to discuss, however, and they’re addressed below. If you’d like to follow along in the video or see what the final product looks like in Photoshop, you can download the site design file and assets here. Using Guides Guides are little blue horizontal and vertical lines in Photoshop that help you align things on the canvas. Creating Shapes Organisation Organising your website mockups is very, very important. Saving for Web. How To Create a WordPress Theme: The Ultimate WordPress Theme Tutorial.

Update: We’ve created a second edition of this popular tutorial! It contains updated code samples, coverage of the latest theme development techniques, and more. Check it out at The ThemeShaper WordPress Theme Tutorial: 2nd Edition. In only 11 individual lessons this WordPress Theme Tutorial is going to show you how to build a powerful, up-to-date, WordPress Theme from scratch. As we go along I’ll explain what’s happening including (for better or worse) my thinking on certain techniques and why I’m choosing one path over another. Essentially, I’ll be teaching you everything you need to know about WordPress Theme development. Skip to the Table of Contents. Here’s the list of features your finished theme will be able to boast of: I think that’s kind of impressive—for any WordPress Theme. At the end of this tutorial, with code in hand, you’ll be able to do almost anything you want.

I’ve already used it to start another project of my own, The Shape Theme. Like this: Like Loading... WordPress › Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS. WordPress Websites and Blogs for Small Business – WordPress Tutorials, Tips and Tricks. W hy do I recommend WordPress websites for my small business clients? In this series we’ll explore WordPress as a content management system for small business websites, including some video tutorials that show how to set up WordPress the fast and easy way. Articles in This Series: #1 Why Use WordPress To Power Your Small Business Website? WordPress can be used for more than just blogging. This article explores the top five reasons to use WordPress to power your website. Read the rest of the article… #2 -vs- -vs- Which one should I use?

#3 Video: How To Install WordPress in 5 Minutes or Less A video showing you how to install WordPress in five minutes or less. . #4 More Benefits of Using WordPress to Power Your Website In this article we look into how WordPress enables you to easily publish content to your website regularly, making it popular with the search engines. . #5 How To Make WordPress Look Like a Website. How To Create A Custom Page Template In WordPress. This is a follow-on from my article called: How To Make WordPress Look Like a Website, where we walked through changing which page shows up as the home page for your WordPress website. The idea was to make it look more like a web site rather than a blog. We changed the front page, but were left with the Page title and Sidebar still. So what if we want to completely customize our home page? WordPress Page Templates are the answer WordPress provides a clever way to do this called Custom Page Templates.

That’s where you will create your custom page template file. <? The Template Name: Cover Page tells WordPress that this will be a custom page template, where Cover Page is the name that will show up in the drop down selector when you create your page. The other lines in this file simply include the header and footer of your blog. That’s it – now you have a custom page template! Creating a Page Based on Your Custom Page Template Now all you need to do is create a new Page in WordPress: Learnadoodledastic: Beginners Guide to WordPress: Setting up a local site, Setting up a working development environment, Gaining practical skills and Developing understanding.

As individual developers we are concerned with the full version of WordPress. For individual developers that are learning their trade or who need access to an environment where they can experiment and practice without the additional issues of acquiring web space and a web server we need a local web server installed that will replicate the online web space where WordPress would normally be housed. There are a couple of solutions listed below. I suggest you try out both options i) to see what environment you like working in the most and ii) give you the opportunity to work on a couple of WordPress sites as you experiment in the future. · Have a read of section 1 for some background to the technology · Try both implementations in section 2.

. · Section 4 will give tips on using Dreamweaver as your development environment. . · In section 5 we get down to work by creating a WordPress theme. · Section 6 Plugins, you will not really need at this stage, but it is there for future reference I. II. II. How To Make WordPress Look Like a Website. So you’ve installed WordPress and plan to use it for your small business website. Now what? The first step to making your website look like a website for your business instead of a blog is to create a static front page and configure WordPress to use this as your home page. Normally, when someone visits your WordPress website they will see a list of your latest blog posts. If you are using this for your business website, that may not be what you want on your home page. Luckily, this is easy to change. Create a Static Home Page in WordPress – Step By Step: After you log into your WordPress Admin, create two WordPress pages. 1) Go to Pages -> Add New.

I also like to turn off Comments and Pings in the settings at the bottom of this page before publishing it. 2) Go to Pages -> Add New one more time. 3) Now go to Settings -> Reading in your WordPress Admin panel. 4) Change the “Front page displays:” settings to look like this: A Video Walkthrough The End Result – More Like a Website Than a Blog.