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Return of the Wolfpack: Top 15 Courage and Insanity Wolf Memes. Considering that you’re on this websites, there’s a good chance that you’re a proper follower of internet memes. Two of the most popular memes are Courage Wolf and Insanity Wolf. Courage Wolf basically defies logic to prove its courage whereas the Insanity Wolf does the same but with his insanity! Below you will find 15 of the most jaw-dropping suggestions by Courage Wolf and Insanity Wolf.

Check them out. Cheers to Quickmeme,, Memegenerator, Reddit. - StumbleUpon. Like a boss, a man recently interrupted his girlfriend's dinner to propose to her with Internet memes.

- StumbleUpon

Timothy Tiah Ewe Tiam sneaked up on his long-time love interest Audrey Ooi Feng Ling at Neroteca, a restaurant in Malaysia, and began showing her poster-sized printed memes such as Socially Awkward Penguin, Y U NO Guy, Victory Baby and Impossibru. Her initial reaction as the man she calls "Fatty" flipped through the first few meme posters: "Oh god please don’t let this be a break up WTF," she said in an entertaining blog post days after the proposal. At the end of the meme-ridden surprise, he knelt and confessed, "I'm very nervous and terrified about this, but I love you and I think you're my soul mate. And I can't see myself living without you in my life. ...