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Creative Thinking – What Is It? And How Can You Start Doing It Now! When you see the phrase “creative thinking” what’s the first thing that springs to mind? For many it would be the term “thinking outside the box” I’m here to tell you that when it comes to creative thinking “thinking outside the box” is the worse possible thing you can do! Many aspire to be good at it, there are countless articles and books about it but few really know what creative thinking actually is. Which is kind of odd because most of us do it on a daily basis, (even if we don’t realize it.) I’m going to give you a definition that will actually make you more creative! Ready?

Creative thinking is exactly the same as the telling a joke. When you tell a joke you link a number of things together in an original way and at the end of that connection you get a laugh (hopefully). When you think creatively you make connections between things and generate new ideas (new for you.) Why does knowing this definition make you more creative? Note the word intelligent! Questions! Are they intelligent?

Reading. Robert S. Tipton, Transformational Change Keynote Speaker, Success Strategy #2 for Transformational Change Leaders, How You See the Future Changes Everything. Success Strategy #2 for Transformational Change Leaders by Robert S. Tipton 'Clairvoyance' - self-portrait by Rene Magritte . I just love this painting. According to the artist, Rene Magritte, this is a self-portrait. I’m sure that was important to him, but that’s secondary to me. What’s primary to me about the painting is this: in “Clairvoyance” Magritte shows CLEARLY what a transformational change leader “sees” when they look at the future.

“See” the egg. (BTW — Magritte was a French painter who became famous to modern audiences for his “Man in a Bowler Hat” painting which was featured in the 1999 movie “The Thomas Crown Affair“.) As you have probably guessed, “Clairvoyance” speaks to me — in a deep and meaningful way. Instead of “YES! Why the difference? A Future Un-envisioned is CERTAIN to be Unrealized “How” we see the future is an individual thing, and I’m (in general) an optimistic, transformational type of person. However, not everyone takes this approach. Sound familiar? “NO!” Robert S. Tipton, Transformational Change Keynote Speaker, Success Strategy #1 for Transformational Change Leaders, Get A Renewed Attitude and Stop Managing Change. By Robert S. Tipton “Teaching people to build boats by showing them plans and giving them tools and materials like wood, glue, and nails creates limited returns.

Instead — to deliver outstanding results in boat building — instill within them a love for the sea.” Excerpted from my book JUMP! – Get Unstuck and adapted from a saying by the French writer (The Little Prince) Antoine de Saint-Exupery . A quick Google search of “Transformational Change Degree” resulted in seven (7) hits (and none related to a university curriculum), while a search for “Change Management Degree” resulted in more than 2,000,000 hits. In digging a little deeper, it became clear to me that there are literally thousands of institutions of higher education in the world that offer some type of “change management” degree program and seemingly zero (according to Google) that offer something related to a degree in transformational change. This is a problem.

Why? The whole premise behind A and B above is flawed in my mind. Robert S. Tipton, Transformational Change Keynote Speaker, 9 Stages of Transformational Change. By Robert S. Tipton Transformational change just “feels” hard, don’t you think? It’s an unsettling, unpleasant, “when is life going to return to normal” kind of thing. At least that’s the way I hear people talk about it when they’re in the midst of it (even me!). @ Robert S. Tipton, 2009 Over the years, I’ve formulated my “9 Stages of Transformational Change” curve (see below) to try and bring some awareness as to why it feels hard. Transformational change starts with grief. Roll that around for a minute.

After all, change is a series of endings followed by beginnings — and when something ends (from a job to a relationship, from a favorite TV show to a certain style of shoes), we grieve. What do you think? The “9 Stages of Transformational Change” curve shows a normal, predictable process. Additionally, you can see the word “retreating” for many of the stages. Anyway, let’s take a look at the individual stages: Dreamland (Stage 1 to Stage 9) Stage 1: Status Quo Stage 2: Denial Back to the Top. “What’s Behind Door #3?” (Let’s Make a Deal!) | Change Management Pro | Transformational Change Leadership.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.” “Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain We are afraid of Door #3. I’m convinced of it — and rationally, it makes no sense. But, Bob, what’s behind Door #3? And — it sounds A LOT better than its other names of, “The Unknown…” or “Uncertainty…” doesn’t it? After all — the devil that I know is better than the one I don’t know, right? Further, the REALLY weird thing about it is this — unless we occasionally CHOOSE what’s behind Door #3 we remain stuck in our ruts, doing what we’ve always done, or avoiding what we’ve always avoided.

Okay — in a virtual shout-out to one of the most popular TV shows in US history, “Let’s Make a Deal,” let’s take a look at what I’m saying is behind doors #1, #2 and #3: Now, for some of us this may be perfect — and we may be looking at it objectively. Wisdom of “The Dog Whisperer,” “Super Nanny,” and a Kindergarten Teacher | Change Management Pro | Transformational Change Leadership.

“Dogs communicate through energy. You display leadership by projecting calm, assertive energy.” – Cesar Milan, “The Dog Whisperer” I’m amazed by the amount of negative, destructive energy that “leaders” expend when it comes to implementing change. Even in simple things — like trying to get people to pay attention at the beginning of a meeting — I see leaders get frustrated, flustered, and flummoxed because their yelling, pounding on the glassware with a spoon, or general cranky attitude isn’t getting results.

It’s even more astonishing to me that many of these leaders, once they’ve poured tons of lousy, ineffective energy into a change effort, are convinced that “just a little more” worrying, bullying, impatience, fear, coercion or yelling will somehow turn the tide in their favor. Really. I facilitate large groups of people all the time — and I often need to have these groups “get quiet” so we can move forward toward some other activity, learning point, etc. Zero. I agree. Like this: Robert S. Tipton, Change Management Pro, Used-to-Think Collection - Balance vs. Centeredness.

By Robert S. Tipton Tell me about your collection of “used-to-thinks…” You know what I mean — “I used to think that _____________, but now I don’t.” Or “I used to think every ______________ got _______________, but now I see it the other way.” That’s a “used-to-think.” Now, the older I get, the bigger my collection of U2Ts becomes. If you’re like me, your U2T collection started growing somewhere in your late teens or early 20s. What about you?

Were you insufferable too? U2T Disharmony = Ineffective Parenting and Bad Managing A couple more questions — are there any parents out there of some insufferable teenagers / early 20-somethings? I’m convinced one of the areas of serious and continuous conflict between parents and their insufferable full-time-know-it-all children, and managers and their “problem employees” is one of “Used-To-Think-Disharmony.” Anyway, when we haven’t developed enough U2Ts, we tend to operate with a limited perspective that’s characterized by our “need to be right.” 7 Core Beliefs of Transformational Change Leaders | Change Management Pro | Transformational Change Leadership. By Robert S. Tipton I’ve been assembling the list of “7 Core Beliefs of Transformational Change Leaders” (TCLs) over the past several years, and I’ve come to discover that these folks are just — well — different.

You “know” it when you’re in their presence… @ Robert S. Tipton, 2009 TCLs live an attitude of “been there, done that,” and have an approach that is calm, accepting, and wise. TCLs never seem to have their “hair on fire” about anything, and usually have a good answer for virtually any question. What do TCLs believe? Take a look at their 7 core beliefs below. (NOTE: I’ve contrasted the beliefs of a transformational change leader with what I call a “transactional manager.” Transformational Change Leaders: 1. Transactional managers keep score when it comes to the times and places “they” are viewed as contributing. Transformational change leaders don’t think less “of” themselves, they think less “about” themselves. 2. 3. 4. 5. Transactional managers seek buy-in related to change. 6. 7.