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A Gemba Walk Example. Lean. A3 Thinking webinar. Kanban (development) This article is about the process management and improvement method.

Kanban (development)

For the lean manufacturing process, see Kanban. Kanban in the context of software development can mean a visual process management system that tells what to produce, when to produce it, and how much to produce inspired by the Toyota Production System[1] and Lean manufacturing.[2] Lean software development. Lean software development (LSD) is a translation of lean manufacturing and lean IT principles and practices to the software development domain.

Lean software development

Adapted from the Toyota Production System,[1] a pro-lean subculture is emerging from within the Agile community. Origin[edit] The term lean software development originated in a book by the same name, written by Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck.[2] The book presents the traditional lean principles in a modified form, as well as a set of 22 tools and compares the tools to agile practices. The Poppendiecks' involvement in the Agile software development community, including talks at several Agile conferences [3] has resulted in such concepts being more widely accepted within the Agile community. Embrace the Principles of Next-Generation Manufacturing ... and Prosper. Implementing Toyota’s Product Development System - The Open Door. The core concept is to eliminate any activity or expense that doesn’t add value, from a customer’s perspective, to an end product. In Japanese this waste is called “muda.” The Toyota Product Development System seeks to eliminate muda, too, but it does so in a way many western development engineers may not have considered.

Gemba Walks.