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Paleo Vs. Vegan: Interview Transcripts. The Science Behind the Paleolithic Diet. What Is Wrong With Grains. In 2003, the Human Genome Project showed that most of the time our genes are not the cause of the diseases we see in modern times.

What Is Wrong With Grains

It was believed that there had to be 100,000 genes to encode our DNA, one gene for each of the 100,000+ proteins in the human body. This had been the holy grail of human molecular biology for nearly a century. However, the results of the project showed that there are only 20,000-25,000 genes, each of which contains information for assembling or producing the functional molecules we call proteins. (1) Simply put, researchers found that information is transferred to RNA in a cell’s nucleus, which then interacts with ribosomes to read the sequence and translate the code to create an amino acid.

This transcription and translation is known as gene expression. Even with this knowledge, modern misconceptions about the role of genes and how they express are difficult to break. Disease is not written in our genetic code. Why People Fail On A Paleo Diet. You may have just embarked on your Paleo journey and find it a never ending challenge to transition from your old lifestyle to your new.

Why People Fail On A Paleo Diet

You could also be a veteran to the diet, but still find yourself picking away at a fresh loaf of bread, or nibbling on some sweats. Or, even worse, you’re feeling like you’re doing everything right, yet you fail to see the results in weight loss, increased energy or improved general health. These are stories I hear often; thus, I write this article in hopes of making your life just a little easier, or in the very least help you kick those bad habits to the curb. I guess you could say that I was fortunate not to experience too many of these trials and tribulations when I made my lifestyle changes. Perhaps the fact that I was in a rapid downward spiral, willing to try anything to feel better and that I armed myself with a wealth of information, would be the reason why. The technical reasons Too much nuts or nut butter Not enough salt Not enough carbs.

Smart Fuel. Archive for the ‘ Smart Fuel ’ Category 2 Aug Smart Spice: Cumin What do you know about cumin?

Smart Fuel

Cumin seeds are pungent, potent little things with the ability to significantly change the trajectory of a dish. They are featured prominently in Mexican, Mediterranean, Indian, Middle Eastern, and certain Chinese cuisines. Posted By: Mark Sisson 8 Feb A Primal Primer: Stevia After last week’s article many of you asked about a natural alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners: stevia. Stevia is an herbaceous family of plants, 240 species strong, that grows in sub-tropical and tropical America (mostly South and Central, but some North). 27 Jan Smart Fuel: Macadamia Oil. How to Eat According to the Primal Blueprint. Welcome!

How to Eat According to the Primal Blueprint

If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase energy levels or just generally look and feel healthier you've come to the right place. Here's where to start: Visit the Start Here and Primal Blueprint 101 pages to learn more about the Primal Lifestyle. Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter to receive 10 eBooks, a 7-Day Course of Primal Fundamentals, and more - all for free. Cut to the chase by visiting Thanks for visiting! Do the Math In my recent Context of Calories post, I explained how the different macronutrients we eat at each meal (fats, proteins, and carbohydrates) have different effects in the body.

But how do you do that? In fact, most popular daily diets look at overall calories as the main factor in weight loss and weight gain. The human body uses these macronutrients for a variety of different functions, some of which are structural and some of which are simply to provide energy – immediately or well into the future. 3) Excess body fat is bad.

"No Sugar, No Starch" Diet Overview: A Version of a Very Low Carbohydrate Diet. Primal Blueprint 101. FAQs, Intro, PB 101 – whatever you want to call it this is a great place to familiarize yourself with the content found on Mark’s Daily Apple.

Primal Blueprint 101

Getting Started This is ground zero. If you’ve never heard of the Primal Blueprint, or perhaps someone sent you to this blog because you’re interested in making the jump to a healthy lifestyle, read on. The BasicsThese posts explain the concept of “Primal” as well as easy ways to get started without feeling overwhelmed by so much new information: Here is the list of my Definitive Guides – thorough explanations of big health topics: Who Does This? Take the Challenge Once you’ve got an idea of what it means to live the Primal lifestyle, consider trying it out for 21 days. Click here or the image below to view an infographic describing how to conduct your own 21 day challenge.

The Newsletter If you’ve gotten this far and still haven’t signed up for the newsletter do so now. Is it Primal? Eggs – Yes (even raw eggs? Dairy – Dairy isn’t strictly Primal.