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9 Steps To Perfect Health – #1: Don’t Eat Toxins. Imagine a world where: diabetes, heart diseases, autoimmunity and other modern diseases are rare or don’t exist at allwe are naturally lean and fitwe are fertile throughout our childbearing yearswe sleep peacefully and deeplywe age gracefully without degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and osteoporosis While this might sound like pure fantasy today, anthropological evidence suggests that this is exactly how human beings lived for the vast majority of our evolutionary history.

9 Steps To Perfect Health – #1: Don’t Eat Toxins

Today, most people accept diseases like obesity, diabetes, infertility and Alzheimer’s as “normal”. But while these diseases may now be common, they’re anything but normal. Humans evolved roughly 2.5 million years ago, and for roughly 84,000 generations we were naturally free of the modern diseases which kill millions of people each year and make countless others miserable. What was responsible for the change? Wheat: The Unhealthy Whole Grain. What’s The Deal With Grains? What You MUST Know About Gluten. Find out if you are intolerant or sensitive to gluten and eliminate it to improve body composition and health.

What You MUST Know About Gluten

I’m not going to start this article by saying that everyone should avoid gluten, although there is evidence that gluten is a difficult protein for all humans to digest and they might be better avoiding it. Humans have never had adequate stomach enzymes necessary to break gluten down so that it can be properly digested, a problem that has been made much worse by the genetic engineering of wheat over the last 100 years. According to a new study analysis published in BMC Medicine, the amount of gluten in the wheat of today has increased to 14 percent from 4 percent a century ago.

Does Gluten Affect You. By: By Catherine Guthrie, Experience Life Gluten troubles were once thought to be a problem primarily for those with celiac disease.

Does Gluten Affect You

But recent research indicates that gluten-related disorders extend to a far broader population, and affect far more than the digestive system. As scientists chip away at the mountain of health problems caused by the modern American diet, a troubling finding is emerging. Celiac Sprue Disease Natural Health Blog. As you shop down the snack aisle in the supermarket, you may notice that the packaging of your favorite chips now describes them as gluten-free.

Celiac Sprue Disease Natural Health Blog

Should you be concerned about gluten content if you haven't been diagnosed with celiac-sprue disease? Possibly, but probably not as concerned as food manufacturers want you to be in their quest for finding marketing niches and selling as much of their product as possible. Frito-Lay is the latest food conglomerate to jump on this particular bandwagon.1 A number of items in their various lines of "snack" foods will now be clearly labeled and advertised as "gluten-free" to attract the masses of consumers who are trying to cut out gluten for health or weight loss purposes. The chosen few products at Frito-Lay to earn the label will be Lay's, Cheetos, Ruffles, Doritos, and Tostitos -- a veritable Who's Who of snack food suspects. Then, there's also the "tell them what they want to hear" aspect of the marketing ploy. 1 Donaldson James, Susan. Grains cause inflammation and can lead to chronic disease. In case these 9 issues with grains…

Grains cause inflammation and can lead to chronic disease

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Are grains good or bad?

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Is Going Grain Free Healthy? Welcome!

Is Going Grain Free Healthy?

If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase energy levels or just generally look and feel healthier you've come to the right place. Here's where to start: Visit the Start Here and Primal Blueprint 101 pages to learn more about the Primal Lifestyle. What Is Wrong With Grains. In 2003, the Human Genome Project showed that most of the time our genes are not the cause of the diseases we see in modern times.

What Is Wrong With Grains

It was believed that there had to be 100,000 genes to encode our DNA, one gene for each of the 100,000+ proteins in the human body. This had been the holy grail of human molecular biology for nearly a century. However, the results of the project showed that there are only 20,000-25,000 genes, each of which contains information for assembling or producing the functional molecules we call proteins. (1) Simply put, researchers found that information is transferred to RNA in a cell’s nucleus, which then interacts with ribosomes to read the sequence and translate the code to create an amino acid. This transcription and translation is known as gene expression. Even with this knowledge, modern misconceptions about the role of genes and how they express are difficult to break.

Disease is not written in our genetic code. The history of wheat.