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Artparasites – How Art you today? Photography by R J Poole.

Artparasites – How Art you today?

Sir Terry Pratchett dies, aged 66. Larry Finlay, MD at Transworld Publishers, said: "I was deeply saddened to learn that Sir Terry Pratchett has died.

Sir Terry Pratchett dies, aged 66

The world has lost one of its brightest, sharpest minds. "In over 70 books, Terry enriched the planet like few before him. Introduction To Poetry Poem by Billy Collins - Poem Hunter. Song of the Open Road by Walt Whitman. Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road, Healthy, free, the world before me, The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.

Song of the Open Road by Walt Whitman

FORGETFULNESS BY BILLY COLLINS. Science Shows Something Surprising About People Who Still Read Fiction. They tend to be more empathetic toward others.

Science Shows Something Surprising About People Who Still Read Fiction

It's not news that reading has countless benefits: Poetry stimulates parts of the brain linked to memory and sparks self-reflection; kids who read the Harry Potter books tend to be better people. But what about people who only read newspapers? Or people who scan Twitter all day? Are those readers' brains different from literary junkies who peruse the pages of 19th century fictional classics?

Short answer: Yes — reading enhances connectivity in the brain. The study: A 2013 Emory University study looked at the brains of fiction readers. Specifically, researchers found heightened connectivity in the left temporal cortex, part of the brain typically associated with understanding language. It may sound hooey hooey, but it's true: Fiction readers make great friends as they tend to be more aware of others' emotions. Best Biographies (509 books)

Smart Summer Reads (1274 books) BBC World Service. 25 sources of free public domain books. This is an updated list of sites that offer free public domain books in electronic and audio format.

25 sources of free public domain books

Every year new publications enter public domain. That means their intellectual property rights have expired or are not applicable any longer. The content of these works becomes available for public use. 25 Great Works of Erotic Literature to Keep You Warm on Cold Winter Nights. It’s getting cold out there, and though there are a few ways of keeping warm, one which most people don’t talk about is reading a steamy book.

25 Great Works of Erotic Literature to Keep You Warm on Cold Winter Nights

But it can be hard to choose the right one. Most people want a book that doesn’t carry the shame of the E.L. First Loves, Part One: Real Stories about Falling in Love with Reading. Endorsements: Richard Siken; Crush. I finally got a hold of Richard Siken's Crush, almost one whole year after I discovered him.

endorsements: Richard Siken; Crush

We Are Made of Memories: A Conversation with Mia Couto, Scott Esposito. Born in 1955 in Mozambique, to Portuguese immigrants, Mia Couto is widely considered one of the foremost wielders of the Portuguese language.

We Are Made of Memories: A Conversation with Mia Couto, Scott Esposito

He has written more than twenty books that have been translated into at least as many languages, and those translated into English since 1990 have garnered him a dedicated Anglophone following. Although Couto’s fiction varies widely, he frequently deals with Mozambique’s civil war, which erupted in 1977, two years after he turned twenty and his nation gained its independence from Portugal. His recurrent use in his work of surreal effects has led many critics to liken his fiction to Latin America’s magical realism, a label at which he bristles. The Tuner of Silences, brought into English by Couto’s longtime translator David Brookshaw and published this year by Biblioasis, tells the story of Vítalico, a father who has dragged his children to an abandoned Mozambican nature preserve after the horrifying death of his wife.

Yes, that really is true. The Secret Life of Grief - Derek Thompson. Someone laughed.

The Secret Life of Grief - Derek Thompson

It might have been my sister, dad, grandmother, or one of the dozen friends and family members arrayed around that bed in my parents' room. Before we cried, said goodbye, and fanned out in separate cars to begin our private journeys of grief, something was said, at the moment she died, in a summer evening's half-light. And somebody laughed. Maybe it seems strange, but I like to remember it. When It Seems Like You’ll Never Become A Writer.


When It Seems Like You’ll Never Become A Writer

You are a writer. You write letters or you journal or you write the beginning of a novel that goes absolutely nowhere. Two Poems by Alex Sparks. Now that, is how you write a Love Letter. Virginia Woolf’s Suicide Was A Fashion Statement. A Narcissist’s Love Letter. When I say I’m in love with you, I mean I love the way I feel when I’m with you. I love myself through you. I love seeing myself through your eyes. Sylvia Plath, Please Stop Haunting Me. You’re not a character. Future. I think a lot about time—its constant churning.

Every moment is another moment’s future yet also another moment’s past. There’s a Kierkegaard quote about how life can only be understood in backwards glances. I think there is truth in that and find myself retracing memories often, looking to connect the dots that have sent me spiraling into the present. I Have a Few Last Words. The term “black ice” is a misnomer. Nothing about the thin layer of ice that forms on roadways when condensation from automotive exhausts freezes is black in any way. If black ice was actually black it would be less dangerous, because in cloaking the medians and texture of asphalt with a solid sheet of black it would provide drivers with a visual alert as to the imminent hazard awaiting them. In actuality, black ice is completely clear, meaning that motorists traversing the Saint Anthony Falls Bridge in Minneapolis during winter are at an increased risk for vehicular accidents, because unlike snowfall, rain, and fog—which announce their intentions to cause harm ostentatiously—no one sees black ice in time.

The 50 Coolest Books Ever - Entertainment. Project #4. Kafka on the Shore Quotes By Haruki Murakami.