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Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind. Take the ultimate intelligence test. Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind. The Neuroscience Of Change—Or How To Reset Your Brain : The World. Learn how to rewire your brain by changing how you think through a simple four-step approach. July 07, 2011 The mysteries of the mind and brain are many and complex. Neuroscience, through the magic of technology is just beginning to unravel some of them. Given that my livelihood revolves around creativity, I have become fascinated with neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is the mind's ability to change the brain. Yes, you read that right. Neuroplasticity radically reverses ages of scientific dogma which held that mental experiences result only from physical goings-on in the brain, and we can’t do much about it. The issue all of us grapple with is change. My fascination led me to a number of visits to Dr. I’m interested in Dr. 1. The first step is to relabel a given thought, feeling, or behavior as something else. 2. The second step answers the question, “Why do these thoughts coming back?” 3. The third step is where the toughest work is, because it’s the actual changing of behavior. 4. Video.