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Flipside. Oglaf (funny but ''mature'') Order Of The Stick. Sinfest: The Webcomic To End all Webcomics. Goblins. Gutters. Bamf. Moss — December 25th, 2011 In the never ending quest to attract new readers and pad the bottom line, Marvel is attempting something a little odd. I can understand getting back into prose fiction, but rather than new stories, Marvel is recycling some of their biggest storylines, such as Civil War.

For myself, I’m not certain this is an experiment that’ll work, but I’m always happy to be proven wrong. Today’s page was done by the always attractive David Namisato: David Namisato is an illustrator in Toronto, Canada, who is grateful that his line of work involves drawing robots, zombies, super heroes, beautiful women, and puppies. David is currently working on a book version of ìLife After the B.O.E.î, his online comic about teaching English in Japan. I trust you’re all either enjoying or have just enjoyed the holiday weekend. -sohmer. Least I Could Do: the Comic » by Ryan Sohmer and Lar deSouza. Looking For Group. Xkcd.