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Multiplication: 2-digit x 2-digit - no regrouping. Resource-Based Mathematics. Dr Mike's Math Games for Kids | Dr Mike's Math Games for Kids | Free Cool Math Games! National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. Welcome to PALM. Math. - Math, Reading Comprehension, Themes, Lesson Plans, and Printable Worksheets.

Fraction Lesson Plans. The Most Colorful Math of All. The Story of The Young Map Colorer Click on each map to see a bigger version. But what does this have to do with math? What next? EX Lesson Plan: Finding Pi - A Math Adventure. 1.)Explain that students will be learning about measuring circles and a mysterious number called "pi". Define the terms circumference, radius and diameter. Read the book Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi to the class. Card catalog description: When Sir Cumference drinks a potion which turns him into a dragon, his son Radius searches for the magic number known as pi which will restore him to his former shape.) 2.)Divide students into groups of 2-3. Using tape measures, instruct the groups to measure the circumference and diameter of the circular objects they have been given. (Another option that may be easier for students is to use string to measure around the objects and then measure the length of the string with a ruler.) 3.)Allow students to work on their own. 4.)Together the class should record the groups' measurements in a table. 5.)Ask students to look for any pattern in the results. 6.) 7.)Review the definition of radius.

Unification Theory: ΣE <=> ΣTi.