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Небольшой беспилотный самолет: точные и удобные новые инструменты для съемки водно-болотных угодий - журнал беспилотных систем транспортных средств. Dominique Chabot,a David M. Birda aDepartment of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, Macdonald Campus 21, 111 Lakeshore Rd., Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC H9X 3V9, Canada. Published on the web 19 December 2013. Received June 14, 2013. Accepted September 16, 2013. Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems, 2013, 01(01): 15-24, 10.1139/juvs-2013-0014 Abstract Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) could be of benefit for surveying wetlands, which often have spatially complex habitats that are challenging to navigate and assess at ground level.

References Adam E, Mutanga O, Rugege D. 2010. Как вы определяете точности картирования? | 2013-09-01 | Точка начала. All maps are wrong. Get used to it! Maps are an abstraction of the real world and as such only approximate reality. Each layer of orthos or LiDAR data comprises dozens, if not millions, of measurements about location. Like all measurements, uncertainty is certain. Ortho and LiDAR base maps may not overlay well. They are often created for different purposes. Today, mapping professionals are drowning in an ocean of accessible geodata, easy to download and integrate into a map.

Accuracy is a foundational considera-tion for any geospatial project. There is a basic universal truism: every measurement by any device contains error. Knowing that the “true” value of a measured thing is never known and the quantity of error present is always unknown, it becomes imperative for a geospatial professional to know something about the accuracy and error associated with the mapping. The real art and science of mapping and photogrammetry is estimating just how close to “perfect” are those measurements. Воздушная Services, Inc. Corporate Profile Aerial Services, Inc. (ASI) is an established provider of geospatial solutions.

With their experienced team of professionals, Aerial Services will exceed your expectations and deliver on their promises. Start To Finish They Make Your Life EasierAerial Services can take your mapping project from initial concept to final application. They will start by working with you to determine your specific needs. Helping You Meet Your NeedsAerial Services works with you to ensure your mapping objectives are achieved. Current Technology Solving Your Problems Technology is always evolving in the geospatial profession. Midwestern Work Ethic Means SuccessLocated in the charming Midwestern town of Cedar Falls, Iowa, Aerial Services provides all of the services of the large geospatial providers with the attention to detail and personal service of smaller operations. » Back to our Aerial Mapping Spring '12 Issue. Человек, воспитанный автомобилями, или Эволюция разумного дизайна. Один человек пытался опровергнуть теорию эволюции примерно следующим образом. «Если, с вашей точки зрения, теория эволюции верна, то почему бы тогда не сказать, что среди автомобилей тоже идёт эволюция?

Ну, появляются же новые автомобильные особи, которые лучше старых. Те, которые похуже, напротив, исчезают. Ни дать ни взять — естественный отбор. С точки зрения сторонника теории эволюции из этого наверняка должно следовать, что никакого разумного дизайна автомобилей нет, а есть только скрещивание и мутации самостоятельно размножающихся автомобилей!» Когда я в своё время читал это, я поймал себя на мысли, что многие люди, опровергая, на самом деле подтверждают.

Вообще термин «эволюция» имеет два сходных, но всё-таки разных смысла. Теория эволюции — это не описание «происхождения жизни из ничего» под воздействием некой мистической силы. Предположим, что у нас таки есть чёрный ящик, у которого есть сколько-то там входов и один выход. При этом мы не знаем внутреннего устройства ящика. Unity SpatialNews. Press Release New MapifyPro Software Allows Full Customization of Google Maps Printer Friendly From PaperTelevision, a design and development company located in Cincinnati, Ohio, comes MapifyPro, a software allowing meticulous control over Google Maps, including the ability to use custom map images in lieu of the standard Google Map designs. While it’s intended primarily as a store locator, the possibilities are pretty much endless and not necessarily tied down to maps alone. Customers using MapifyPro have implemented the software into everything from a road trip tracker, to online videogame maps, fundraising events, conference organizers, and even a product feature-list using an actual hot-spot photo of the product.

Check out some of these real-world examples of MapifyPro in use: Where is Zach? From Kabul to Cork. MapifyPro promises to give users full control with a powerful set of features missing from Google Maps' default feature set. Unlimited Customized Maps. Articles. Five Proton-M rockets may be launched by year end. No more than five Proton-M rockets may be launched from Baikonur (Kazakhstan) before the end of this year if the launches resume in September, a Baikonur spokesman said. "The number of launches is limited by the capacity of the station fueling Briz-M upper stages of Proton-M rockets. The station can fuel only one upper stage per month," he said. If the first launch is made in early September and launch preparations begin on the first days of August, then it will be possible to fuel five Briz-M upper stages and make five launches before this year ends, the source said.

Launches of five satellites and the International Space Station (ISS) Multirole Laboratory Module are on the preliminary schedule, he said. The launching of several satellites has been delayed until next year due to the Proton-M crash, the source said. Same as it happened after the crash of 2011, commercial clients may demand a demonstration of the Proton-M's reliability with the launch of a Russian satellite. GIM International - News. Новости.