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Avril-juin 2020

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The SAGE Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations. Pacing Mobilities: Timing, Intensity, Tempo And Duration Of Human Movements. European Societies Today: Inequality, Diversity, Divergence - 1st Edit. Why Borders Matter: Why Humanity Must Relearn the Art of Drawing Bound. Mobile Citizenship: Spatial Privilege and the Transnational Lifestyles. A Depth Psychology Model of Immigration and Adaptation: The Migrant's.

Responsibility for Refugee and Migrant Integration. LA SCOLARITÉ DES ENFANTS D'IMMIGRÉS POLONAIS - Société métallurgique de Normandie & Société des mines de Soumont - 1919-1939, Jean-Luc Sochacki. En 1919, une convention qui visait favoriser l'envoi des travailleurs polonais en France était signée.

LA SCOLARITÉ DES ENFANTS D'IMMIGRÉS POLONAIS - Société métallurgique de Normandie & Société des mines de Soumont - 1919-1939, Jean-Luc Sochacki

Dans ce texte, rien n'était indiqué sur la scolarisation des enfants de ces ouvriers, alors ces derniers, encouragés par les autorités polonaises en France, vont demander des ouvertures de cours en langue d'origine auprès de leurs employeurs pour leurs enfants. L'idée du provisoire et l'espoir d'un proche retour au pays régnaient alors dans tous les esprits. Dès le début des années 1920 et face à cet impensé de la question scolaire, les autorités françaises durent faire face à des mises en place de cours de polonais, sous l'égide entre autres des compagnies minières. The Routledge Handbook of Place - 1st Edition - Tim Edensor - Ares K.

06.20 The People in Question - Citizens and Constitutions in Uncertain Times, By Jo Shaw. At a time of rising populism and debate about immigration, leading legal academic Jo Shaw sets out to review interactions between constitutions and constructs of citizenship.

06.20 The People in Question - Citizens and Constitutions in Uncertain Times, By Jo Shaw

This incisive appraisal is the first sustained treatment of the relationship between citizenship and constitutional law in a comparative and transnational perspective. Drawing on examples from around the world, it assesses how countries’ legal, political and cultural processes help to determine the boundaries of citizenship. For students and academics across political, social and international disciplines, Shaw offers an accessible response to some of the most pressing international questions of our age. 04.20 Jahrbuch Migration und Gesellschaft 2019/2020 bei transcript Verlag. Verónica Martínez-Matsuda. 376 pages | 6 x 9 | 21 illus.

Verónica Martínez-Matsuda

Cloth Jun 2020 | ISBN 9780812252293 | $39.95s | Outside the Americas £32.00Ebook editions are available from selected online vendorsA volume in the series Politics and Culture in Modern America "Migrant Citizenship is a magisterial study of the Farm Security Administration and the people it served. In an evocative work that speaks across several fields, Verónica Martínez-Matsuda reveals how FSA officials on the ground and in Washington challenged the political mind-set during World War II by expanding the range of services offered and the hopes for reform encoded within them, highlighting the agency's visionary experiments in democracy.

"—Vicki L. Today's concern for the quality of the produce on our plates has done little to guarantee U.S. farmworkers the necessary protections of sanitary housing, medical attention, and fair labor standards. View your shopping cart | Browse Penn Press titles in American History, American Studies | Join our mailing list.

06.20 Mainstreaming versus Alienation - A Complexity Approach to the Governance of Migration and Diversity. 05.20 Displaced-Persons-Forschung in Österreich und Deutschland. Europe between Migrations, Decolonization and Integration (1945-1992) Introduction, Giuliana Laschi, Valeria Deplano, and Alessandro Pes; PART I: Workers or citizens: European community faces mobility; 1.

Europe between Migrations, Decolonization and Integration (1945-1992)

Movement but with limitations - mobility in the process of European integration: freedom, identity, citizenship and exclusion, Giuliana Laschi; 2. The Transition from colonialism to the migration policies in Europe, Toni Ricciardi; 3. Populism and the Web: Communicative Practices of Parties and Movements. Challenging the Human Trafficking Narrative: Victims, Villains, and He. Book Description What is the moral of the human trafficking story, and how can the narrative be shaped and evolved?

Challenging the Human Trafficking Narrative: Victims, Villains, and He

Stories of human trafficking are prolific in the public domain, proving immensely powerful in guiding our understandings of trafficking, and offering something tangible on which to base policy and action. Yet these stories also misrepresent the problem, establishing a dominant narrative that stifles other stories and fails to capture the complexity of human trafficking. This book deconstructs the human trafficking narrative in public discourse, examining the victims, villains, and heroes of trafficking stories. Skilled Migration and Global English - 1st Edition - Frances Giampapa. Introduction: Skilled migration and global English Frances Giampapa and Suresh Canagarajah 1.

Skilled Migration and Global English - 1st Edition - Frances Giampapa

Misplaced: language, remitting and development practice among Zimbabwean migrants Adrian J. Bailey, Liberty Mupakati and Farai M. Magunha. Immigration in the 21st Century: The Comparative Politics of Immigrati. Contemporary European Emigration: Situating Integration in New Destina. The Garland Science website is no longer available to access and you have been automatically redirected to

Contemporary European Emigration: Situating Integration in New Destina

All instructor resources (*see Exceptions) are now available on our Instructor Hub. Your instructor credentials will not grant access to the Hub, but existing and new users may request access here. The student resources previously accessed via are no longer available to existing or new users. *Exceptions: Resources to the following titles can be found at » Molecular Biology of the CellMolecular Biology of the Cell: Problems BookEssential Cell BiologyThe Biology of Cancer Case Studies in CancerJaneway's ImmunobiologyThe Immune SystemCase Studies in ImmunologyThe Molecules of LifeLiving in a Microbial World. Austere Histories in European Societies: Social Exclusion and the Cont. The Garland Science website is no longer available to access and you have been automatically redirected to

Austere Histories in European Societies: Social Exclusion and the Cont

All instructor resources (*see Exceptions) are now available on our Instructor Hub. Your instructor credentials will not grant access to the Hub, but existing and new users may request access here. The student resources previously accessed via are no longer available to existing or new users. *Exceptions: Resources to the following titles can be found at » Molecular Biology of the CellMolecular Biology of the Cell: Problems BookEssential Cell BiologyThe Biology of CancerCase Studies in CancerJaneway's ImmunobiologyThe Immune SystemCase Studies in ImmunologyThe Molecules of LifeLiving in a Microbial World.

Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Racisms - 1st Edition. Introduction to the HandbookJohn Solomos Part I: Theories and Histories Introduction to Part I.

Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Racisms - 1st Edition

Italian Youth in International Context: Belonging, Constraints and Opp. The Garland Science website is no longer available to access and you have been automatically redirected to

Italian Youth in International Context: Belonging, Constraints and Opp

04.20 Migrant Resistance in Contemporary Europe - 1st Edition - Maurice Sti. The Garland Science website is no longer available to access and you have been automatically redirected to All instructor resources (*see Exceptions) are now available on our Instructor Hub. 06.20 La migration, un défi pour la famille. Comment contribuer à la restauration des groupes familiaux blessés par la migration? Racism: A Very Short Introduction - Ali Rattansi. There is often a demand for a short, sharp definition of racism, for example as captured in the popular formula Power + Prejudice= Racism. But in reality, racism is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon that cannot be captured by such definitions. In our world today there are a variety of racisms at play, and it is necessary to distinguish between issues such as individual prejudice, and systemic racisms which entrench racialiazed inequalities over time. This Very Short Introduction explores the history of racial ideas and a wide range of racisms - biological, cultural, colour-blind, and structural - and illuminates issues that have been the subject of recent debates.

Is Islamophobia a form of racism? Is there a new antisemitism? ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. Immigration, Cultural Identity, and Mental Health - Eugenio M. Rothe, Andres J. Pumariega. Immigration, Cultural Identity, and Mental Health Psycho-social Implications of the Reshaping of America Eugenio M. Rothe and Andres J. Pumariega Author Information Eugenio Rothe MD is Professor of Psychiatry, Founding Faculty Member of the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Courtesy Professor of the Robert Stempel School of Public Health, and Adjunct Professor of the Cuban Research Institute and Latin American and Caribbean Center at Florida International University.

Les données numériques des migrants et des réfugiés sous l’angle du droit européen Sandrine Turgis. Des familles invisibles, Les Algériens de France entre intégrations et discriminations (1945-1985) (description) L'immigration algérienne des années 1950-1970 reste largement pensée comme une immigration masculine et temporaire, qui ne trouve à se loger que dans des bidonvilles et des foyers Sonacotra. Dans cette perspective, l'instauration du regroupement familial en 1976 est généralement présentée comme un tournant majeur pour la société française, dans lequel l’extrême-droite voit l’origine de la crise des banlieues.

Pourtant, entre 1945 et 1975, le nombre de familles algériennes en France était déjà passé de quelques milliers à 100 000 environ. L’enjeu de cette recherche est de découvrir l’histoire de ces premières familles algériennes en France, et les conséquences qu’a eu l’indépendance sur elles. Cette recherche s’est appuyée à la fois sur des archives administratives et politiques disponibles, sur des entretiens et sur les archives privées de Monique Hervo, « établie » dans les bidonvilles et les cités de transit de Nanterre. 2019 Expulser les sans-papiers d'Europe. Etats répressifs et nécessité du maintien en démocratie. Les expulsions massives de sans-papiers montrent le principe de commandement – l’art d’ordonner et de se faire obéir – à l’épreuve du faible et de l’Autre.

04.20 En transition : Trajectoires de formation de jeunes migrant·e·s en situation juridique précaire. 02.20 The Readmission of Asylum Seekers under International Law (Studies in International Law): Mariagiulia Giuffré: Hart Publishing. 1. Introduction I. Refugee Encounters with the State II. 03.20 Federalism and National Diversity in the 21st Century. This edited volume explores the obstacles to and opportunities for the development and entrenchment of a sustainable and representative multinational federalism. In doing so, it tackles a striking puzzle: on the one hand, scholars agree that deeply diverse multinational and multiethnic democracies should adopt federal structures that reflect and empower territorially concentrated diversity.

On the other hand, there are very few, if any, real examples of enshrined and fully operative substantive multinational federalism. What are the main roadblocks to the adoption of multinational federalism? Can they be overcome? Is there a roadmap to realizing multinational federalism in the twenty-first century? 04.20 Jagt sie weg! Die Schwarzenbach-Initiative und die italienischen Migranten.

1968 lanciert Nationalrat James Schwarzenbach eine Initiative mit dem Ziel, die Überfremdung der Schweiz zu verhindern und mehr als 300 000 vorwiegend italienische Gastarbeiter nach Hause zu schicken. Dies ist der Startschuss zu einer beispiellosen Hetzkampagne, die über Jahre andauert, die Schweizer Bevölkerung entzweit und 1970 nur hauchdünn verworfen wird. In seinem halb autobiografischen, halb historischen Buch erzählt Concetto Vecchio von seinen Eltern, einfachen Sizilianern, und von weiteren Migranten, die in den 1960er-Jahren ihr Glück in der Schweiz suchten, aber auf unverhohlenen Fremdenhass stießen, als Arbeitskräfte ausgebeutet und als Menschen ausgegrenzt wurden.

Unerbittlich lässt Vecchio die beiden Welten aufeinanderprallen: diejenige von Schwarzenbach, der als Vorläufer der heutigen Rechtspopulisten gilt, sowie diejenige der entwurzelten Gastarbeiter, die dem Nachbarland einen Wirtschaftsboom bescherten und dennoch auf Hass und Ablehnung stießen. 05.20 Reactionary Democracy How Racism and the Populist Far Right Became Mainstream.

“Reactionary Democracy offers a sustained critical reading of the recent platforming of the populist racist right. Aurelien Mondon and Aaron Winter trace the ways in which this focus on extreme expressions draws attention away from systemic racism and the inequalities capitalism licenses and reproduces. The result is a timely analysis of the the processes and narratives enabling the reproduction of systemic racism.” – David Theo Goldberg “Fires a rescue flare warning that the threat to civil society, human rights, and democracy itself must not be ignored—before it is too late.” 03.20 Penser les migrations pour repenser la société – Presses universitaires François-Rabelais. Les migrations internationales contribuent à définir l’État et ses formes de citoyenneté. Elles modifient les relations professionnelles, transforment les espaces géographiques et jouent un rôle fondamental dans les expressions artistiques. Par effet miroir, les pratiques des migrants sont, elles aussi, tributaires des contraintes et opportunités qu’ils rencontrent dans les espaces qu’ils traversent, sinon investissent.

De l’Europe au continent américain en passant par l’Afrique, ce livre illustre la façon dont les études migratoires permettent d’éclairer les sociétés contemporaines, depuis leur construction politique jusqu’aux multiples échelles servant à l’analyse des pratiques sociales quotidiennes. Prises ensemble, elles initient un dialogue nécessaire entre spécialistes des migrations et des sciences sociales.

03.20 RÉFUGIÉS : L'HÉBERGEMENT CHEZ DES PARTICULIERS - Des liens qui rendent libres ?, Elodie Rémy. 03.20 The Populist Temptation - Barry Eichengreen. Populism, on both the right and the left, has spread like wildfire throughout Europe and the United States and is making inroads in other parts of the world. In simplest terms, populism is a political ideology that vilifies elites, minorities and foreigners while lionizing "the people.

" It reached its apogee in the U.S. with the election of Donald Trump but has been a force in Europe since the Great Recession and the refugee crisis. 02.20 - Leadership, Populism, and Resistance. 02.20 - Dealing with Diversity - Domenico Melidoro. Contemporary liberal societies are marked by a certain degree of diversity indicated by coexistence of multiple ideas, doctrines, beliefs and cultural practices. 2019 - Citizenship in Times of Turmoil? 02.20 Constructing the Responsibility to Protect: Contestation and Consolidation, 1st Edition. 12.19 Populism and Collective Memory: Comparing Fascist Legacies in Western Europe, 1st Edition. 02.20 Populist Radical Left Parties in Western Europe: 1st Edition. 2019 Caribbean Anti-Trafficking Law and Practice(Studies in International and Comparative Criminal Law): Jason Haynes: Hart Publishing.

06.20 - Handbook on Demographic Change and the Lifecourse. 06.20 - The EU-Turkey Statement on Refugees. 03.20 Reconstructing Democracy — Charles Taylor, Patrizia Nanz, Madeleine Beaubien Taylor. 02.20 LA DEMANDE D'ASILE EN FRANCE - La pénitence civilisée, Mathieu Sordet. 04.20 Decolonising Lifelong Learning in the Age of Transnational Migration. 06.2020 - Migrant Families and Transcultural Dynamics. 05.20 immigrant labor and the new precariat. 05.20 - Bans, Walls, Raids, Sanctuary by A. Naomi Paik. 04.20 - Migrant City. 06.20 - Free to Move - Ilya Somin.

05.20 - Palestinian Refugees in International Law - Paperback - Francesca P. Albanese, Lex Takkenberg. 04.20 - Disorderly Borders - Chantal Thomas. 06.2020 - Going Nowhere Fast - Sabina Lawreniuk, Laurie Parsons. 05.20 - Structures Of Protection?: Rethinking Refugee Shelter. 04.20 (1rst ed 2011) Migration and Mobility in the European Union - Andrew Geddes.

03.20 Burning at Europe's Borders - Isabella Alexander-Nathani.