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Agility - Responsive / Minimal / HTML5. Looking for the WordPress Version of Agility?

Agility - Responsive / Minimal / HTML5

This way » Agility is a fully responsive HTML5 / CSS3 template, ready to look stunning on any device – from a widescreen monitor to a mobile phone. How does a responsive template work? You create one site, and Agility’s responsive framework does the rest. As the user’s viewport size shifts, Agility responds dynamically to optimize viewing for that screen size. So what does that mean? Agility is built on a 960gs-based responsive grid system called Skeleton. What’s in the box? A note on functional elements Please be aware that, as this is a static HTML Template, certain site elements that require server-side scripting are non-functional. Note that the contact form IS functional, though it requires PHP on your server to run. A note on CSS3 Usage The theme uses CSS3 for many non-essential styles and animations, but gracefully degrades in browsers that don’t support it (IE7, IE8).

Themeforest Item : ImComing. WP Singular - One Page Responsive WordPress Theme. WP Singular is a clean and simple single page portfolio theme for WordPress.

WP Singular - One Page Responsive WordPress Theme

WP Singular is geared towards designers, creatives, illustrators, photographers, agencies and much more with its ultra flexible layout. What people are saying Today was the day that me and my guys decided on the design we want to go with, so I got my green light to start building the page – and I am still amazed how fast I was at realizing our sketches with this incredible theme. The support is amazing too. I have bought and used many themes on envato these past years, but this is definitely one of the top 3. 100% Fully Responsive Powerful Page Builder Advanced Admin Options Panel Custom Page Options Advanced Typography Options Changelog Updated – 9/27/13 — View complete changelog here Theme Features 100% Responsive DesignWordPress 3.4+Built with HTML5 & CSS3Powerful Page BuilderAwesome Drag & Drop Homepage BuilderRetina ReadySuper slick Ajax Powered PortfolioTranslation Ready!

A taste magazine. Home. Demo - Prova PrestaShop e apri il tuo negozio online. Spezzatino FirstTime (patate,funghi,verza) Prima ricetta con la slowcooker!

Spezzatino FirstTime (patate,funghi,verza)

La sera prima ho preparato il brodo, tagliato la carne e scongelate le verdure. La mattina dopo colazione e prima di andare al lavoro, ho caricato la slowcooker con tutto il materiale occorrente.Ingredienti:- circa 600g di carne,(il mio pezzo era un biancostato)- ca.1lt di brodo di carne- ca.400g di patate novelle tonde (quelle surgelate da forno)- ca.400g di funghi misti (anche surgelati)- sale, pepe, cumino, polvere chili Preparazione:Preparare il brodo col dado o come si preferisce.Ridurre a pezzi la carne, tipo spezzatino, rimuovendo dove possibile il grasso. Gnam Box IN FOOD WE TRUST. Ecommerce Templates & Online Store Template Examples — Shopify. 10 really good reasons to get a hay box (or make your own) A hay box is a wondrous thing.

10 really good reasons to get a hay box (or make your own)

So wondrous, in fact, that I am quite astounded more households don’t have one… especially in this day and age of paying more attention to how we use our energy. A friend of mine recently gave me one for my birthday, and I can’t imagine, now, how I ever did without it! If you haven’t yet encountered one, a hay box (or ‘hot box’) is essentially an insulated ‘box’ (often, but not always filled with hay) in which you can cook anything from meaty stews or vegetable curries to simple rice and soups. You heat up your pot of food on the stove, kick-starting the cooking process, and then whack it into the hay box to carry on cooking. And there are some pretty compelling reasons to get your own one (or more) installed in your kitcken asap: 1. Whether you’re using electricity, gas, or even woodstove, you only need to cook the food for a fraction of the time you’d normally use. For example, say you’re cooking a simple pot of rice. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.