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EdTechLens K-5 Life Science Online E-Learning Programs. IntoScience. The future of science learning in the classrooms of today. The future of learning in the classrooms of today. IntoScience is a genuinely groundbreaking leap forward in secondary school science education. Through hugely engaging 3D environments, virtual experiments and deep contextual examples, all fields of science are brought to life – simultaneously expanding learning through knowledge, application and reasoning for all students.

Every topic and activity is mapped to the curriculum with measurable results for each activity. Bring science into the imagination of your students. IntoScience is currently available for Year 7 and 8 students across Australia and the UK – launching globally in 2014. Enter a 3D virtual world. IntoScience gives each student their own customisable avatar, research lab, observatory and access to over 100 unique 3D environments such as the Crash Test Zone, Cell Explorer, Energy Island, the Aswan Dam and many more engaging learning spaces.

Take a FREE TRIAL of IntoScience in your school and see for yourself. Learn by doing. News « i-Doctum. STEMscopes. Activate Instruction. OpenCurriculum. COSTP | California Open Source Textbook Project. CourseSmart. Kno. Young Digital Planet. ThinkCentral.