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Classmill - Create Online Courses. Classmill is a new service for creating self-paced online courses.

Classmill - Create Online Courses

David Kapuler wrote a short blurb about Classmill earlier this week and I finally got around to trying it out this morning. On Classmill you can create public or private (invitation-only) courses. Courses are built as a series of modules. In each module you can include videos, text, images, links, and file attachments. You can also embed games and interactive simulations into each module. Applications for EducationClassmill could be a good platform through which you build self-paced professional development courses. Free Online Textbooks, Flashcards, Practice, Real World Examples, Simulations. Five Tools for Creating Multimedia Textbooks - A Comparison Chart. Anyone who has gone through the laborious process of trying to select a textbook knows that the perfect textbook doesn't exist.

Five Tools for Creating Multimedia Textbooks - A Comparison Chart

That said, thanks to some fantastic software and online tools we can now come closer to creating textbooks that are ideal for our students. Including video and or audio in a textbook can go a long way toward helping students recall information. I still wish that the Algebra II textbook I had in high school had video tutorials in it. The five tools featured in the chart embedded below provide good options for creating multimedia textbooks. A Google Docs version of the chart is available here. This is the seventh comparison chart in the series of PDFs that I have been creating in the hopes that they provide people with a quick way to select the best tools for them. Launch your own online school, create your online courses in minutes, and it is FREE! Oppia - Home.

Create a course. Course-builder - Course Builder. Your free online classroom. Create a course. Cómo Crear su Propio Curso en Línea: 100 Herramientas, Guías y Recursos. Tal vez tiene una habilidad especial, talento o conocimientos de base que quiere compartir con los demás, y tal vez ha oído que con la enseñanza de cursos en línea puede hacer un poco de dinero extra.

Cómo Crear su Propio Curso en Línea: 100 Herramientas, Guías y Recursos

Los recursos a continuación le ayudará a descubrir como combinar tanto de lo que tiene que ofrecer y lo que desea obtener, guiándole a través de la creación y el establecimiento de un curso en línea. No importa la edad del estudiante, sujeto que desea enseñar, o el tamaño de la clase, aquí encontrará recursos e información para poner en línea su clase. Sistemas de Gestión del Aprendizaje Los Sistemas de Gestión del Aprendizaje alojan su clase en línea y proporcionan un lugar para que los estudiantes reciban y entregen las tareas, la comunicación en la clase, y más. Moodle. Infografía Interactiva (pase el cursor por los circulitos) Recursos para Obtener su Clase en Línea How to Teach an Online Course using WordPress.

Excellence in Online Teaching and Learning. How to Teach an Online Class. Siminars. Scitable. Classrooms Scitable Classrooms are rich research spaces that allow you to provide your students a custom online reading list, threaded discussions, news feeds, and research tools.


For your online reading list, you can pull from our library of more than 500 expert-authored, peer-reviewed, readable explorations of key concepts in life sciences commissioned and edited by our team of Nature Publishing Group staff editors. Designed to guide students beyond memorization of scientific facts into a deep understanding of the scientific method, the experimental tradition, and the nuances of data analysis, our articles help students learn to think scientifically. Most articles link out to free versions of milestone primary literature from Nature, Nature Genetics, and other NPG journals. Join the more than 2000 instructors worldwide who have created Scitable Classrooms for their students. Custom eBooks You can customize any of the packaged eBooks we've published for your classes. Classrooms and eBooks.

TED-Ed. TED (Tecnología, Entretenimiento, Diseño) es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a difundir ideas valiosas.


TED-Ed es una iniciativa de TED que nos permite crear lecciones personalizadas tomando como base las publicadas en su espacio web o bien crearlas desde cero a partir de vídeos de YouTube. El pasado mes de marzo, Ted puso en marcha un canal en YouTube formado por una docena de vídeos creados especialmente para estudiantes universitarios y gente interesada en aprender. Ahora arranca la segunda fase del proyecto con la plataforma TED-Ed, una web diseñada para permitir a los profesores crear lecciones en torno a los vídeos. No se trata de crear una universidad on line, sino de aprovechar el talento de los mejores profesores del mundo, dándoles herramientas para que puedan compartir sus materiales con otros docentes y con los alumnos.

Coursebuilder. BigBlueButton.