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Alternative search engine removes the most popular sites. Google has had the monopoly on search engines for the past decade. The service works in such a way that already popular sites always come up on top, while small companies remain undiscovered on page 10 or even 100, unless they can afford to hire SEO specialists and pander to Google’s algorithms. Now, Million Short is an alternative search engine, which enables users to remove up to the first 1,000,000 Google results, in order to make browsing the web more surprising and give the underdog a fighting chance.

To begin, users can install Million Short as their default search engine on their browser. Then, they simply select how many of the top results — anything from 100 to 1,000,000 — they want to discount, and search as usual. We recently saw another alternative search engine — BrowseU — which helps student users pay off their college loans by giving them a cut of the ad revenue. Website: Contact: Spotted another good idea?

Semantic Scholar. Bibblio – Knowledge reimagined. Athenir. EasyBib Tool- An Incredibly Helpful App for Citing Websites. February 13, 2015 EasyBib Tools is definitely a must have app for college and research students. With one click you can generate citations for websites and create bibliographies. It is a time saving tool for sure but I would not trust it one hundred per cent, always go through the citations and make sure they are properly formatted. EasyBib tools also provides you with a bunch of other nifty features such as credibility ratings of the website you are visiting. You can also build a fully-formatted, alphabetized, and Word-processor-ready bibliography of all the sources you have cited. Generating citations is free for only MLA style other styles such as APA and Chicago are for premium users.Also, to save and access your citations and bibliographies you create you will have to register with EasyBib Tools.

Watch this video to learn more about EasyBib Tools. Product Hunt. Clipix; organiza su vida! Dragdis. Virtual Science Hub.

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