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Online Reputation Management. APPY Geek. Wwwhatsnew Friday, April 18, 2014 6:22 PM GMT Para quienes aún inician con el tema del marketing en Social Media o para profesionales que quieran repasar conceptos, actualizarse y aumentar su contenido de referencia, en Hongkiat se ha recopilado una veintena de libros digitales (en PDF) de alta calidad y totalmente gratuitos (a lo sumo hará falta ingresar algunos datos de contacto para descargarlos).



LaunchPad Central - The Platform for Evidence-Based Entrepreneurship. Business Model Generation - Canvas. Using the Business Model Generation Tools There have been some questions posted lately asking for guidance in using the tools associated with the Business Model Generation approach - the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas.

Business Model Generation - Canvas

Though the Business Model Canvas was released under Creative Commons and the Value Proposition Canvas under copyright, the requirements for use of the two tools are really quite similar. Anyone may use the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas for their own work or to support others in understanding, analysing or changing their business models.

Online academic history

Social. Job hunting. Resumes and CV.