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Year-round Care. A popular indoor plant in the winter and spring is the amaryllis, with large lily-shaped flowers on tall stems.

Year-round Care

They are becoming a popular holiday gift. As a bulb, it shares some care and growth methods used with other bulbs. However, because of its background as a tropical plant, and bloom cycle, there are differences. The bulb is NOT winter hardy in upstate NY, so would not survive planted outdoors, as would tulips, daffodils, etc. The amaryllis is for indoor blooms on a yearly cycle. The bulb does not require pre-cooling to be forced, as do daffodils and tulips.

Pot the bulb with good, sterile planting medium so that the top third of the bulb (including its 'neck') is above the soil. Growing Amaryllis - How to get Your Amaryllis to Flower. Caring for Holiday Plants | Forcing Bulbs | Choosing a Christmas Tree | Over-Wintering Container Plants Amaryllis are hard flowers to categorize.

Growing Amaryllis - How to get Your Amaryllis to Flower

They look tropical and exotic; large, lily-like trumpet blooms on tall, straight stems, with a base of strappy leaves. Flower colors go from white to deep red and include some eye-catching stripped varieties. You'll pay more for the more exotic varieties and larger bulbs, but larger bulbs produce more flowers. You can expect your Amaryllis to bloom 7 weeks or longer. Most amaryllis will go dormant naturally and re-bloom sometime during winter. What You’ll Need Amaryllis Bulb A pot slightly larger than the bulb (½ - 2" around the sides of the bulb) Well-draining Potting Mix Bamboo Stalk Patience Planting a New Amaryllis Bulb Choose a bulb(s) that’s plump and still has some roots at the base. How to Make Your Amaryllis Bloom Again         Amaryllis have become increasingly popular holiday gift plants, undoubtedly because the bulbs bloom very freely indoors and they are affordable.

How to Make Your Amaryllis Bloom Again        

The large, showy flowers make a bold statement and are available in an increasing variety of colors, shapes, and sizes that fit almost any taste. Amaryllis are not difficult to grow and may be brought into bloom every year if the plants are treated correctly. To understand the process, it may help to understand the plant and its native environment. Amaryllis are bulbs of the genus Hippeastrum that are native to tropical and subtropical areas of the Americas. Some species grow in rock crevices in savannas that have distinct dry and wet seasons; others grow in high plateau regions that have cool weather for most of the year.

Here's an easy step-by-step plan to get your amaryllis to bloom again: 1. Enjoy your amaryllis for the maximum time possible by placing it in a location with diffuse light and cool indoor temperatures in the 60°F range. Amaryllis Bulb Company. How to Plant an Amaryllis Bulb. Although there are many plants that are forced to bloom indoors during the winter holiday season, the popularity of the amaryllis (Hippeastrum) lies in its ease of care and its large, lily-like blooms that are so reminiscent of the flowers of summer.

How to Plant an Amaryllis Bulb

Flower colour ranges from red as the most popular, to pink, white, yellow and mixed. Dwarf varieties with smaller foliage and flowers are available but they tend to be more expensive and slightly harder to care for. The general rule is the smaller the bulb, the smaller the bloom. Light: full sun Temp: 65-75° F Water: whenever surface soil dries out Repot: every year or every two years The holidays are probably the worst time financially to purchase this plant. If you’d like your bulb to bloom in time for Christmas, pot it up by mid-November.

Buying Instructions Be sure to purchase a bulb that looks clean and disease free on the outside. Planting Instructions After Bloom Care After the rest or dormancy period remove any remaining dead foliage. White Flower Farm: The premier American source for plants, shrubs, bulbs, and gardening supplies delivered from our nursery to your home. Amaryllis bulbs are prized for their willingness to produce large and colorful blooms indoors in the dead of winter.

White Flower Farm: The premier American source for plants, shrubs, bulbs, and gardening supplies delivered from our nursery to your home.

These large bulbs will grow happily and bloom abundantly in nothing more than stones and water. In Zones 9 and 10, they can also be planted outdoors in full sun and well-drained soil, with the shoulders of the bulbs 1 inch above the soil. Bulbs planted in the ground generally bloom in late spring or early summer. Our video shows how to grow Amaryllis in glass vases using stones to support the bulbs and their roots. Click here to read our full instructions and growing tips. To begin playing the video, click on the arrow. Trouble viewing this video? Make sure you have speakers connected to your computer and that the sound on your computer is turned on. You may need to download Adobe Flash Player to view this movie.