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Serving Alcohol

Responsible alcohol service certification courses for alcohol sellers/servers for bartender license & food handling. Read more >>> Address :- 1730 S Federal Hwy, Suite 191 Delray Beach, Fl, USA 33483-3309

Bartender Certification Only $15.00. Nightlife Security Consultants Podcast Ep 023 - Responsible Alcohol Beverage Service. No safe limit for drinking while driving, UCSD study finds. There is no safe limit for drinking alcohol and driving, say UC San Diego researchers in {*style:<a href=' new study{*style:</a>*}.

No safe limit for drinking while driving, UCSD study finds

{*style:<br>*} “Buzzed” drivers even with a 0.01 percent blood alcohol concentration are significantly more likely to be involved in accidents that cause injuries than totally sober drivers, according to the study, {*style:<a href=' Monday in the journal Addiction{*style:</a>*}. {*style:<br>*} The findings suggest the legal blood-alcohol limit should be lowered from 0.08 percent in the United States to nearer the levels in Sweden and Japan, 0.02 and 0.03, write the authors, {*style:<a href=' P. Phillips{*style:</a>*} and Kimberly M. Brewer, in UCSD’s Department of Sociology.

{*style:<br>*} With a blood alcohol level of 0.01 percent, there are 4.33 serious injuries for each nonserious injury in a car crash, the study says, using information from a federal accident database. Our Wisconsin Bartender License. BASSET Training Only $9.95. Our Wisconsin Server Seller Course. From Milwaukee to Madison we got your covered!

Our Wisconsin Server Seller Course

Our Wisconsin online course is authorized and approved by the State of Wisconsin’s Department of Revenue. It meets the guidelines of the Wisconsin State Liquor Authority. It’s recommended for Bartenders, Bar Backs, Servers & Wait Staff, Restaurant / Bar Supervisors, Restaurant / Bar Managers & Owners, Wine & Liquor Store Cashiers, Grocery Store Cashiers, and Store Supervisors, Manager, & Owners. Did you know? According to the Department of Revenue, under Chapter 125 of the Wisconsin Statutes, “An underage person accompanied by a parent, guardian, or spouse of legal drinking age may be sold or served alcohol beverages in any licensed premises.” Teenage girls consuming more alcohol than boys.

Illinois Basset Certification. Our training, approved by the Illinois Liquor Control Commission (ILCC), allows us to provide the Beverage Alcohol Sellers and Servers Education and Training (BASSET) program.

Illinois Basset Certification

Under license number #5A-0105593, we offer either on-premise or off-premise training. The license means, we meet all the latest state of Illinois curriculum and program requirements and recommendations. Alcohol license. Our Illinois BASSET Server-Seller Course. From Chicago to Aurora we got your covered!

Our Illinois BASSET Server-Seller Course

Our course is recommended by many insurance carriers in Illinois. It meets the guidelines set by the Illinois Liquor Control Commission. It’s recommended for Bartenders, Bar Backs, Servers & Wait Staff, Restaurant / Bar Supervisors, Restaurant / Bar Managers & Owners, Wine & Liquor Store Cashiers, Grocery Store Cashiers, and Store Supervisors, Manager, & Owners. Did you know? In Illinois, the cities of Carmi or Freeport don’t allow alcohol sales on Sundays. Alcohol Course. Bartending Online Training. Dramshop: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, and California. Way, way, way back in the day (18th century England) a dram was used as a unit of measure a bar or tavern used to sell alcohol.

Dramshop: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, and California

The measurement roughly estimates to ¾ a teaspoon using the imperial measurement system. Any alcohol selling business was therefore known as a dram shop. Somewhere along the lines the association became tied in with liability, laws, and acts. Responsible Alcohol Training Certification Course and Bartender License. Youtube. Job Search for Bars, Restaurants, and Nightclubs. Why Security and Alcohol Training Go Hand in Hand. Youtube. Why Security and Alcohol Training Go Hand in Hand. Hospitality security isn’t just one person at the front of your bar.

Why Security and Alcohol Training Go Hand in Hand

It actually is a mindset that needs to be present all across your bar or restaurant. From part-time dishwashers to the owner, it’s an important part of operating a safe and successful business. Not only is it good for business operations, but it’s commonly required by states (such as California) or recommended by insurance carriers. Often reducing fines, insurance premiums, and potential liability. Placing money back into the business. And it all starts before an incident occurs. Implementing a security training program that focuses on reducing incidents and liability (civil and criminal) can help mitigate your business’s risk and stop situations from starting or escalating.

Ohio Alcohol Server Training. What you need to know about Michigan Reopening. As the dust settles and states begin to look forward to reopening it’s time to think about what types of measures your bar, restaurant, or other types of establishments in Michigan should undertake.

What you need to know about Michigan Reopening

Before reopening you should address concerns regarding sanitation and safety, employee education, liability, distancing, and continue to offer pick up and delivery. Michigan restaurants can reopen indoor dining with limited capacity, curfew on Feb 1. Additional regions are slated to reopen over time. Sanitation and safety. Georgia Alcohol Delivery Course $12.50. Breaking Down the Whiskey Sour. Breaking Down the : Whiskey Sour While we may not be sailing aboard large ships on risky exploratory voyages, we can still enjoy the modern day Whiskey Sour.

Breaking Down the Whiskey Sour

Ships during the 19th century would frequently have supplies of citrus to prevent scurvy. To not only quench thirst, whiskey was mixed with limes, lemons or oranges, and thus the Whiskey Sour was made! Sea travel in those days was difficult and risky. Because refrigeration did not exist, food and water were often not safe to drink due to germs and bacteria. Bartender Certification US. Bartender On the Job Training - Serving Alcohol. Bartender On the Job Training. Bartending is a popular profession.

Bartender On the Job Training

An estimated 600,000 jobs will open up in the next 20 years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, training can be tricky due to busy work hours, the pressure to serve effectively, and often working odd hours. What’s the best approach? Use multiple methods to get the most out of new employees. Bartender Permit. Patronscan ID Scanner Demonstration. Department of Labor Rescinds 80-20 Rule for Tipped Workers. Many of our customers and the businesses using our training will be affected by this ruling and we want to make sure they know about it.

Department of Labor Rescinds 80-20 Rule for Tipped Workers

We urge employers to be fair and to be open in discussing issues like these with their employees. The DOL issued an opinion letter on Thursday that eliminates the so-called 80-20 rule when it comes to paying tipped workers for non-tipped job responsibilities. The 80-20 rule said that if a tipped worker spends more than 20 percent of their time doing non-tipped work like folding napkins, or refilling salt shakers, they were required to be paid the full minimum wage for those duties.

The new letter restores 2009 guidance which does not limit non-tipped work, “so long as they are performed contemporaneously with” tipped tasks. Alcohol server training. Responsible Vendor Server. Discounts for Alcohol Training Courses. BASSET Training. Is your staff harassing customers? Here’s how to fix it! Patron harassment comes in many forms.

It can be a subtle as a sigh, an eye roll, or something muttered in a hushed breath. Alternatively, it can be as blatant as touching and name-calling. Qualities to consider while hiring a Wedding Photographer in Sydney. Safe Cab Rides in Isanti County, MN. Wisconsin Alcohol Laws FAQ. This is a list of questions and answers to Wisconsin Alcohol Laws. These FAQ are based from rules, regulations, and laws regarding the selling/serving of alcohol outlined from sections 125.68 & 125.51 & Publication 302. Q: Does the law 125.68(4)(c)(3) prohibit an establishment from selling an alcoholic drink in a plastic cup and allowing to leave the premises? A: No, that law only prohibits the sale of alcohol in its original container for carry out (i.e. a bottle of wine cannot be bought at a restaurant to be carried out).

The law s. 125.51 (3)(a) and (b) requires that alcohol be sold and consumed by on the licensed premises, meaning that alcoholic beverages may not be sold in “to go” containers to be consumed elsewhere. Georgia Alcohol Seller Server Course $12.50. Alcohol course. Now or Never: Starting Takeout and Delivery Services. While takeout or delivery may not have been on your radar before, it most likely is now. With the change in the hospitality market, more businesses are opting to expand their offerings. Some may choose to come out and dine while others are still concerned and are only considering eating from home. So, what can you do? Safe Serve Alcohol - Serving Alcohol. Serving Alcohol & Patronscan Webinar. Security for Late Night Alcohol Serving Establishment. Security staff for alcohol-serving establishments has many tasks. Whether it's checking identification, dealing with issues such as harassment, or possible patron’s impairment. It is the staff's duty of care to control patron’s while on the premises.

It is essential to realize that staying open later inherits a prominent need for responsibility with greater controls and education. Having late operating hours means your establishment may be the last of many that a patron has visited, or that you may experience a higher rate of patrons who are already possibly impaired wanting to enter. Bartender License New York. Embed Code For hosted site: Click the code to copy <div class='visually_embed'><img class='visually_embed_infographic' src=' alt='Bartender License New York' /><div class='visually_embed_cycle'></div><script type='text/javascript' src=' class='visually_embed_script' id='visually_embed_script_2051239'></script><p> From <a href=' For

Master Bartender - On Sale for only $15. 5 Steps to Preventing Bartender Theft. Have you heard of the term shrinkage? Shrinkage refers to the liquor which is lost due to waste, spillage, and bartender theft. Pennsylvania RAMP Server/Seller Training. As of 2016 the state Liquor Code now requires that anyone who sells or serves alcoholic beverages and/or checks IDs, including but not limited to bartenders, waiters, certificate distributor sales persons, managers, security personnel, door persons, etc. – must complete RAMP Server Seller training within six months of being hired by a licensee, unless the person successfully completed RAMP Server/Seller training prior to being hired. Getting a bartending license. Want to Become a Bartender? States Closed for Dining-In. Some states have different restrictions when it comes to reducing the spread of COVID.

Our Florida Alcohol Server Seller course. Serving Alcohol Inc Certification & Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association for WI Bartender License. New York ATAP Alcohol Certification CourseSpecial Discount Only $10.99. Nebraska Alcohol Server Seller Course only $12.50. Pennsylvania Ramp Certification. Making Your Alcohol Serving Establishment A Respected Part of the Community. Getting a bartending license. Ohio Alcohol Seller Server Course. No liquor permit holder authorized to sell for on-premises consumption, and no agent or employee of that liquor permit holder, shall: Offer to sell, furnish, or deliver to any person or group of persons: Two or more servings of an alcoholic beverage upon the placing of an order for an individual serving of an alcoholic beverage;An unlimited number of servings of alcoholic beverages during any set period of time for a fixed price;Any alcoholic beverage after nine p.m. at a price less than the regularly-charged price, as established by the schedule of prices required in paragraph (B) of this rule.Encourage or allow any game or contest that involves the drinking of alcoholic beverages or the awarding of alcoholic beverages as a prize.Increase the volume of alcoholic beverages contained in a serving without increasing proportionately the price charged for such serving.

Serving Alcohol Launches in 3 Northeast States. Massachusetts Bartender License. What you need to know about Pennsylvania Reopening. As the dust settles and states begin to look forward to reopening it’s time to think about what types of measures your bar, restaurant, or other types of establishments in Pennsylvania should undertake. Before reopening you should address concerns regarding sanitation and safety, employee education, liability, distancing, and continue to offer pick up and delivery. Restaurants and Bars were allowed to reopen starting May 29th. But only those counties which are in the “yellow phase” of recovery. With more counties slated to open on June 5th. Unfortunately, Philadelphia is still in the “red phase,” and most activities are limited. Sanitation and safety. Bartender License New York.

Iowa Responsible Alcohol Seller Server Course. Our New York Server-Seller Course! If you are new to the serving of alcoholi… Alcohol course. Serving Alcohol's Iowa Server-Seller Course! Serving Alcohol's Iowa Server-Seller Course! Serving Alcohol's Iowa Server-Seller Course! Arkansas Responsible Permittee Alcohol Course.

We recognize that you are busy and alcohol training maybe not on the forefront of your mind. We aim to give you accurate knowledge and quickly bring you "up to speed" with the most recent laws. Some of our information may seem common knowledge. But, as you do, we take your profession very seriously. Your decisions, while serving alcohol, could make a dramatic difference in another person's life. With a little of your time and our training, we will help you become a safer alcohol seller or server and increase your tips. Bartender license new york. What you need to know about Georgia Reopening. Illinois Basset Certification $9.95.

Alcohol Course. Our Georgia Server Seller Course. Bartender License New York. California bartender license. Behind the Bar: Tin on Tin Shaker. Montana Alcohol Server Seller Course $14.95. Bartender License California. Breaking Down the: Long Island Iced Tea. Minnesota Responsible Alcohol Training $14.95. Setup new account - -

Safe Serve Alcohol. Steps to Reopening: Part 5 - Social Distance. Wisconsin Bartender Licensing Certification $12.50. Florida alcohol certification. California Responsible Beverage Service only $12.50. Steps to Reopening: Part 6 - Training. Bartender License Florida. Serving Alcohol and Patronscan Partnership! Florida Responsible Vendor Certification $14.95. Train your staff in responsible alcohol service. State Alcohol Certification Courses and Food Handler Training. Behind the Bar: Parisian Shaker. The Arkansas bartender license. What you need to know about Texas Reopening. Bartender Permit. Responsible Alcohol Training Certification Course and Bartender License. Behind the Bar: Boston Shaker.