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Final Tiles Grid Gallery Preview. Masonry Options. All options are optional, but columnWidth and itemSelector are recommended. Recommended itemSelector Specifies which child elements will be used as item elements in the layout. We recommend always setting itemSelector. itemSelector is useful to exclude sizing elements or other elements that are not part of the layout. itemSelector: '.grid-item' <div class="grid"><div class="static-banner">Static banner</div><div class="grid-item"></div><div class="grid-item"></div> ...

ColumnWidth Aligns items to a horizontal grid. We recommend setting columnWidth. Use element sizing for responsive layouts with percentage widths. <div class="grid"><div class="grid-sizer"></div><div class="grid-item"></div><div class="grid-item grid-item--width2"></div> ... ColumnWidth: '.grid-sizer', itemSelector: '.grid-item', percentPosition: true Layout Element sizing Sizing options columnWidth and gutter can be set with an element. The option can be set to a Selector String or an Element. gutter gutter: 10 percentPosition stamp.

Demo010 - Grid Element Show/Hide Example | jquery.vgrid.js. Codrops/ElastiStack. Draggabilly. Drag and Drop. A gridster configuration object. Define which elements are the widgets. Can be a CSS Selector string or a jQuery collection of HTMLElements. Horizontal and vertical margins respectively for widgets. Base widget dimensions in pixels. The first index is the width, the second is the height. extra_rows: 0 Add more rows to the grid in addition to those that have been calculated. extra_cols: 0 max_cols: null The maximum number of columns to create. Min_cols: 1 The minimum number of columns to create. min_rows: 15 The minimum number of rows to create. max_size_x: false The maximum number of columns that a widget can span. autogenerate_stylesheet: true Don't allow widgets loaded from the DOM to overlap. A function to return serialized data for each each widget, used when calling the serialize method. Draggable.start: function(event, ui){} A callback for when dragging starts. draggable.drag: function(event, ui){} A callback for when the mouse is moved during the dragging. draggable.stop: function(event, ui){}