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PyID - Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for Raspberry Pi by Migel Tissera. Speech Recognition in Arduino. Arduino Maker Projects. Arquitetura de Software em Sistemas Embarcados - Embarcados - Sua fonte de informações sobre Sistemas Embarcados. Icy. Cvblob - Blob library for OpenCV. Description cvBlob is a library for computer vision to detect connected regions in binary digital images. cvBlob performs connected component analysis (also known as labeling) and features extraction.

cvblob - Blob library for OpenCV

Features Binary image labeling. DSP or related to signal processing projects build with Arduino and like boards. Raspberry Pi Project: Dedicated S... A few months ago, I made my Raspberry Pi into a dedicated speech synthesizer.

Raspberry Pi Project: Dedicated S...

Here are some of my blog posts: My Post-Pi Projects... Now, I have given my Raspberry Pi to my 13 year old nephew, Josh, as I now have the BeagleBone BlackBeagleBone Black.