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PowerShell Scripts, Tips, Forums, and Resources. Design Tips, Tutorials and Inspiration - Page 3. Two Tips to Manage Email More Efficiently. 5 Gmail tips for power users. While there's no shortage of email providers, Gmail's simple design, ease of use and cool features continue to attract users.

5 Gmail tips for power users

Whether you're sorting through hundreds of work emails a day or using the service to keep in touch with friends and family, keeping up to date on its latest features can help you get the most out of it. Here's a look at five of Gmail's newest features, including quickly adding appointments to your calendar, customizing your background image and using advanced search to find the email you're looking for. 1. 20 Tips To Increase Website Security. Few months back, we had a hard time in getting SloDive out of the clutches of hackers who most probably hacked our website just for “fun”, but we the victims and the readers had to suffer in regard to content and mental peace.

20 Tips To Increase Website Security

It was then, we realized how important it is to increase Website Security and regularly update it without any fail. Don’t wait for hackers to do their job first because although you will learn a lesson for life, but sometimes you are left with nothing. You loose your readers trust (as they get Malware warning from your site), your sponsors, your hard earn money (in getting back the stuff) and sometimes even the last letter of your entire data. 8 Tips to Follow for iPad App Designers.

Tips: Más de 400 comandos para GNU/Linux que deberías conocer :D. Tips: Más de 400 comandos para GNU/Linux que deberías conocer :D. Me he encontrado en la Wiki de GUTL este completo listado con más de 400 comandos para GNU/Linux con su respectiva explicación, y los quiero compartir con ustedes para complementar este excelente artículo que escribió mi colega para aprender a vivir con la consola.

Tips: Más de 400 comandos para GNU/Linux que deberías conocer :D

7 DIY Tips That Will Make You A Better Programmer! Facebook Shadow Profiles: You Probably Have One Too [Weekly Facebook Tips] Top 10 Pro Tips and Tools for Budding Web Developers and Designers. Your Excel formulas cheat sheet: 15 tips for calculations and common tasks. Many of us fell in love with Excel as we delved into its deep and sophisticated formula features.

Your Excel formulas cheat sheet: 15 tips for calculations and common tasks

Because there are multiple ways to get results, you can decide which method works best for you. For example, there are several ways to enter formulas and calculate numbers in Excel. Five ways to enter formulas 1. Image Duplicates Search Tool - Home. Ten ways you can avoid being caught in the PRISM net. 13 Million Facebook Users Have Never Adjusted Privacy Settings. May 1, 2013Tim Visited 75 times , 1 Visits today.

13 Million Facebook Users Have Never Adjusted Privacy Settings

Getting Started with EditThisCookie - EditThisCookie. Patterns: A Quick Introduction. By SK Patterns are files which contain a set of packages together with a description of what they are useful for.

Patterns: A Quick Introduction

It can be used for a typical task or need in SUSE/openSUSE platforms. Patterns contains group of softwares to install. Pattern is something similar to “yum groupinstall” command that saves your time by installing group of software packages easily without having to install them manually one by one. For example, you want to install LAMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP) Server. To install LAMP server in openSUSE, just enter the following single command: zypper -t pattern lamp_server Cool, isn’t it? Search Patterns To search list of available Patterns in openSUSE, enter the following command: zypper se -t pattern or zypper search -t pattern Sample output: Patterns Usage Installing Pattern is easy as the way we install a single package.

PowerShell Quick Reference - Dimension IT TV. Hi All, Celebrating my first post on my new web site, let’s provide you with my ultimate PowerShell Quick Reference!

PowerShell Quick Reference - Dimension IT TV

I just finished work on my latest version of the PowerShell Quick Reference. You can grab a copy and use it as a reference when creating your PowerShell scripts. The document contains a lot of information I got when using PowerShell myself and teaching PowerShell at Microsoft Learning partners sites like Global Knowledge, Compu’Train, Twice, New Horizons and Centric. Download here: PowerShell Quick Reference Dimension IT Please send me a message and let me know what you think of the PowerShell Quick Reference. Dimitri. Widcomm Enumerador De Bus Bluetooth. Try Multi Commander As An Advanced File Explorer Alternative. In all honesty, Windows 7 came with a pretty decent file explorer.

Try Multi Commander As An Advanced File Explorer Alternative

You’ve got an easy navigation pane on the left, with file and folder listings in the center, and a useful preview pane on the right. You can completely change how files and folders are displayed, map new drive, quickly create new folders and much more. However, even in its latest form, the Windows file explorer leaves something to be desired. There have been some new features added, but I have to say I’ve been surprised how slowly and how little the file explorer application on Windows has really lagged behind the rest of the enhancements to the Windows operating system.

Thankfully, Windows Explorer is just an application, which can be swapped for another application that you might find more useful or effective. The truth is, like Jessica and Varun, a lot of people sometimes go out in search of a faster, sleeker and more functional alternative to the native Windows Explorer. Aha!