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BitTorrent Live. Labs. BitTorrent Bundle. Deluge BitTorrent Client. The Official BitTorrent Blog. TurboBT - BitTorrent Download Client. Future Folk X BitTorrent Bundle. Visitors from space discover music, save the world.

Future Folk X BitTorrent Bundle

Future Folk feels like the last dive bar band: bluegrass, unserious, and in-between-worlds. They’re also from space, which explains the outfits. If you’ve never heard of alien-roots music before, The History of Future Folk breaks it down. The acclaimed micro-budget indie film directed by J. Anderson Mitchell and Jeremy Kipp Walker tells the story of two dudes from planet Hondo who fall from space, discover bluegrass, and save the world.

In a film full of weird and poignant moments, maybe there’s none more than this: the totally alien feeling of hearing music for the first time. As a thank you to all the fans who made this DIY project possible, Future Folk is releasing the Future Folk Vol.1 album, art, and live videos (including an exclusive live performance of “Space Worms”) as a BitTorrent Bundle. The Deleted City: BitTorrent As Archives. Sync Hits 2 Million User Mark. 2013 will be remembered as 1984: the year we woke up to the reality of server farms and stacks.

Sync Hits 2 Million User Mark

Our personal information is now property of a few corporations; subject to dragnet data collection by our own government. Today, we rely on centralized cloud services. Sync Hacks: secure messaging with BitTorrent Sync. In Sync Hacks, we spotlight cool uses of Sync from the creative minds of our users.

Sync Hacks: secure messaging with BitTorrent Sync

Sync is our free, unlimited, and secure file-syncing application. If you have an interesting use or how-to, shoot us an email at sync[at] Can’t wait to hear what you guys cook up. In this week’s Sync Hacks, Alec Perkins shows us how he used BitTorrent Sync as a secure, distributed messaging system. Adapted from his original post here, you can read the entire how-to. BitTorrent Sync Windows Client Config ← Tribler un cliente BitTorrent totalmente descentralizado. BitTorrent for Beginners: Protecting Your Privacy. Photo by Benjamin Gustafsson Anytime you’re making connections to anything outside of your network, security should be a concern, and this is doubly true for users of BitTorrent, who are getting data from all sorts of unknown sources.

BitTorrent for Beginners: Protecting Your Privacy

Here’s how to protect yourself. Behind the Scenes: The Making of BitTorrent Sync. BitTorrent Sync is a simple way to sync files across your devices; free from the speed, security, and size limits that come standard with traditional cloud-based solutions.

Behind the Scenes: The Making of BitTorrent Sync

Today, people around the world have synced over 8 petabytes of data using the app. But not so long ago, it was just an idea we were kicking around. Here’s how Sync went from whiteboard to real world, in a little under a year. Sync started with a common problem… BitTorrent Premieres New Live Streaming Platform. After years of development BitTorrent has now released its live streaming service to the public.

BitTorrent Premieres New Live Streaming Platform

BitTorrent inventor Bram Cohen is one of the main developers of the new protocol which he expects to revolutionize online streaming. BitTorrent Inc. sees its BitTorrent Live product as the ultimate tool for creators to reach an audience of millions with minimal bandwidth costs. In 2001 BitTorrent inventor Bram Cohen unleashed a small revolution by creating the first widely adopted technology that made it possible to download large videos online in a timely fashion. A decade later and downloading almost seems like an ancient technology. Sync Announces Support for Network Attached Storage (NAS) I love NAS devices, as long as they’re simple, automated, responsive and require little to no maintenance.

Sync Announces Support for Network Attached Storage (NAS)

At my previous company, I worked with a great team of people and built a NAS device that met all these attributes; its value came from its ability to store and serve up lots of data on a local network, while providing a safeguard for disk drive failure. But, what NAS does not naturally provide is a means to easily move data to another device, inside or outside the environment that it lives in. The alternative is to put your data in the cloud, but then you sacrifice capacity, performance and affordability. Most of all, you sacrifice the privacy of your data.

Sync Hacks: BitTorrent Sync Powered, Headless Drupal Photo Gallery. Sync Hacks is a column dedicated to exploring new applications for Sync, as built by users like you.

Sync Hacks: BitTorrent Sync Powered, Headless Drupal Photo Gallery

BitTorrent Sync is a free, unlimited, secure file-syncing app. (And now, it’s 2X faster.) If you’ve got an epic Sync idea, use-case or how-to, shoot us an email at sync[at] In this week’s Sync Hacks: Realityloop‘s Stuart Clark shows us how to make a headless Drupal photo gallery using the BitTorrent Sync API. Read on for the full how-to, and check out Stuart’s original Realityloop post here. Sync Hacks: Complete Guide to BitTorrent Sync for Filmmakers. Photo credit: Government Press Office In Sync Hacks, we spotlight cool uses of Sync from the creative minds of our users.

Sync Hacks: Complete Guide to BitTorrent Sync for Filmmakers

Sync is our free, unlimited, and secure file-syncing application. ¿Resolviendo la congestión en Internet con BitTorrent? El crecimiento de Internet está siendo tan acelerado en tamaño y servicios que todas las previsiones que hace unos años se hacían acerca de su uso se quedaron cortas.

¿Resolviendo la congestión en Internet con BitTorrent?

Con miles de millones de usuarios tratando de acceder a unos recursos que no pueden crecer de forma tan exponencial como la demanda, los ISPs, las empresas de contenidos y los distribuidores online tienen que hacer ingentes inversiones para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes. Análisis de la red P2P Bittorrent (III) Sync Hacks: How To Deploy Web Projects With BitTorrent Sync. Solving The Internet’s Congestion Problem. BitTorrent CEO Eric Klinker discusses the impact of distributed computing on Internet sustainability. Originally published in Harvard Business Review, March 22, 2013.

An open, neutral Internet has been a force for sweeping social change: democratizing information, commerce, and access to jobs, triggering GDP growth and a rising standard of living. Our collective ability to equally access and innovate on Internet platforms, from search and social networks, to content and commerce sites, is fundamental to continued growth. It is not a given. With Internet innovation comes congestion. Internet penetration and usage continues to expand at exponential rates. News from India on Technology, Electronics, Computers, Open Source & more: EFYTIMES.COM.

Friday, November 15, 2013: Whenever you make connections to anything that is outside your network, you should have security on the top of your priority list. This is also the case for users of BitTorrent who get data from various unknown sources. As cited on, here are some ways you can protect yourself from such security threats - Security Threats – Understanding the different kind of security threats is crucial to blocking them. The most basic threats include viruses and other forms of malware. Open Source Giant VLC Mulls BitTorrent Streaming Support.

With more than a billion downloads since its first release, VLC is one of the most popular media players around. It's free, open source, and can play virtually every video file available. In the near future it could also become the first mainstream media player with the ability to download and stream torrent files. A group of VLC supporters has put up a $10,000 bounty for the developer who can deliver the right code. VideoLAN’s VLC media player is installed on the PCs of millions of Internet users.

It’s widely regarded as the best tool to play videos and audio in just about any format found anywhere on the web. In the near future the media player may add a feature that will increase its appeal even more – the capability to stream BitTorrent files. A group of VLC fans and supporters have been discussing this idea with the VideoLAN team, who say that there’s a good chance that a BitTorrent module will be added if the code is right. BitTorrent Live, streaming potente y minimalista. CNET Doesn’t Have to Ban BitTorrent Clients, Court Rules.

CBS and CNET do not have to stop distributing BitTorrent clients and other file-sharing software. A California court has denied the request for a preliminary injunction from a group of artists, who accused the companies of facilitating piracy. According to the judge there is no indication that CBS and CNET will purposefully encourage copyright infringement in the future, and a ban would needlessly silence "public discussion of P2P technologies. " CBS and CNET have scored an important victory in their ongoing copyright infringement case against a coalition of artists. The musicians, joined by billionaire Alki David, had requested a preliminary injunction to prevent the media conglomerate from distributing file-sharing software through The artists claimed that CNET profits heavily from distributing file-sharing software via, while demonstrating in editorial reviews how these applications can be used to download copyright-infringing material.

Bleep, analizamos la aplicación de chat seguro de BitTorrent. Aprovecha tu antiguo PC como NAS o cliente BitTorrent. Si te gusta construir tus propios equipos o si has comprado alguno nuevo últimamente, es probable que tengas arrinconado viejos PCs de sobremesa o componentes que no utilizas pero que funcionan y podrías aprovechar para otros usos distintos de los habituales en el escritorio informático. Una muestra nos la ofrece howtogeek en un práctico que nos permite devolver a la vida ese antiguo PC utilizando FreeNAS, un sistema operativo gratuito y de código abierto basado en FreeBSD, que nos permite convertir el PC en un servidor de almacenamiento en red accesible desde otros equipos, y en el que podemos guardar nuestras copias de seguridad o colecciones de música y vídeo, así como otros usos como cliente BitTorrent por ejemplo. La instalación de FreeNAS es trivial para un usuario medio. Descargamos la .ISO (disponible 32 y 64 bits), la quemamos como sistema arrancable con tu herramienta preferida (por ejemplo UNetbooting) e instalamos.

BitTorrent ‘s Bram Cohen Patents Revolutionary Live Streaming Protocol. Hoping to revolutionize live broadcasting on the Internet, Bram Cohen has filed a patent application for the new BitTorrent Live streaming protocol. BitTorrent's inventor has worked on the new technology for several years and believes his new protocol can be world-changing. "We plan to shape the future of live broadcasts and want to work with broadcasters to accomplish that," Cohen says. Earlier this month BitTorrent Live was unveiled to the public. The new protocol allows the public to send a video stream to millions of people, without having to invest in expensive bandwidth. VideoLAN quiere añadir a su reproductor multimedia VLC compatibilidad con BitTorrent.

Seguro que a muchos os suena VideoLAN y sobre todo su famoso reproductor multimedia VLC, instalado en millones de ordenadores como centro de ocio a través del cual podemos ver prácticamente cualquier formato de vídeo que circula por la Red. Pues ahora sus creadores están pensando en añadir una interesantísima funcionalidad: poder reproducir las películas que circulan por las redes BitTorrent directamente desde un enlace “magnet” o desde el archivo .torrent, sin tener que esperar a que se descarguen completamente.

Para lograr este objetivo han puesto en Elance una descripción del proyecto y una recompensa de hasta 10.000 dólares para quien sea capaz de programar tal funcionalidad. Eso sí, hay requisitos que se deben cumplir para considerar que la implementación es satisfactoria. How to Monitor Your BitTorrent Downloads from Any Computer or Mobile Device. Official Site - BitTorrent App, Media Player, Wi-Fi Sharing. 100% Free Download, No subscription required. Sync Dev: Q&A with the Creator of Sync’s Linux Desktop GUI Package. Developing on the BitTorrent Sync API? Our developer evangelist is here to work with you. I’m constantly impressed by the variety and depth of Sync API projects out in the wild and aim to highlight some of these projects going forward.

Sync Hacks: How to easily sync config files between servers. Sync Hacks: How Angie’s List Reduced Their Web Deployment Time to Seconds. Angie’s List, one of the world’s largest websites, reduced web deployment time from hours to seconds thanks to a tool built on BitTorrent Sync. Read on learn more. Angie’s List helps you pick the right roofer, plumber, dentist and more by bringing crowd-sourced reviews for local businesses to your fingertips.

Sync Hacks: BitBox to Easily Share Sync Files on the Web. Top 10 uTorrent Alternatives. News from India on Technology, Electronics, Computers, Open Source & more: EFYTIMES.COM. About - Academic Torrents. Best Torrents: The Top 30 Torrent Download Sites of 2014. Academic Torrents. 11 Online Sources To Find Legal Torrents. Search Or Browse One Million Public Domain Legal Torrents In The Internet Archive. 20 Sites For Downloading Torrents. Torrents, otra opción de descargas simultaneas. Home.