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Software Design Tools for Agile Teams, with UML, BPMN and More. Signavio. Effektif. IBM BPM Software. Bonitasoft. Bizagi. ELMA BPM Suite. Пакет ELMA BPM Suite – это наш взгляд в будущее (а для кого-то уже и настоящее). Система позволяет организовать управление процессами в компании на основе метрик и показателей, исполняемых процессов и связать воедино метрики процессов, стратегию компании и мотивацию персонала. Пакет ELMA BPM Suite включает в себя приложения: Что входит в приложение ELMA: Управление показателями ? Приложение ELMA: Управление показателями эффективно решает 3 вида задач: 1.

Мотивация по результату 2. 3. В чем суть решения ELMA: Управление бизнес-процессами ? Приложение ELMA: Управление бизнес-процессами дает полное законченное решение по моделированию, исполнению, контролю и постоянному улучшению бизнес-процессов. Вы просто рисуете, система просто выполняет то, что нарисовано. Есть пачка бумажных регламентов. Регламенты, безусловно, нужны. Но вот счастье наступило, проект завершен. Руками? Мы предлагаем новый путь – используйте BPM систему. Показатели собираются в MS Excel, по ним считается зарплата. Software AG - ARIS. Summary Design, document, analyze, optimize and communicate processes to achieve business process excellence by using the ARIS Business Process Analysis Platform. With more efficient processes across business, IT and SAP systems, your Digital Enterprise can respond to changing business and market requirements more quickly.

AgilePoint iBPMS. Our flagship platform, AgilePoint iBPMS, consists of 5 core components used to create mission critical business applications. Together, they provide an application development framework that enables business and IT to collaborate throughout the development lifecycle. Traditionally, application development has been driven by the IT organization. Due to limited budgets and resources, developing any new or improved business application typically takes between 12-18 months. Often much of the delay in delivering applications is due to the gap of knowledge between business stakeholders and developers. With AgilePoint iBPMS, the business stakeholders provide the majority of development efforts and are empowered to quickly make changes without relying on IT. Our clients can focus on the core functionality of the solution as IT creates reusable business services that integrate with existing systems.

Automate processes in a variety of lines of business (LoB) Appian. BPMN Process Modeling Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is an industry standard that simplifies communications between business and IT stakeholders to collaborate and manage the full process life-cycle. Use Appian's BPMN process modeling tool in the cloud to create graphical definitions of business processes.

Drag-and-drop BPMN events, process and task activities, decision gateways, swimlanes, and other out-of-the-box features to quickly create executable process models in Appian. Process Repository Store process models in a native process repository with full version control, hierarchical categorization, search, and role-based security for controlled access to each model. Share and discover processes within the enterprise to leverage existing assets and services in an SOA approach.

Smart Services Leverage hundreds of existing Appian Shared Components, Smart Services, and Integration Framework to accelerate Appian application design time for faster deployment. Process Execution.