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Giant oarfish -Video of 18 ft sea serpent; unidentified creature or monster oarfish in California! Arthropleura. Arthropleura (Greek for Jointed Ribs) is a genus of extinct, 0.3–2.6 metre (1–8.5 feet) long arthropods related to modern day centipedes and millipedes, native to the upper Carboniferous (340 to 280 million years ago) of what is now northeastern North America and Scotland.


The larger species of the genera are the largest known land invertebrates of all time, and would have had few, if any predators. Description and behavior[edit] Reconstruction of A. armata. Pterosaur Species & Size Chart. Sarcosuchus Skull. BEST ALIEN CREATURES (Part 2) GIANT OARFISH FILMED IN MEXICO. Real Dragon Captured by Fisherman. GIANT OARFISH: REAL SEA SERPENTS. The Lake Ladoga Mystery !

Real Werewolves. Extraordinary footage. Strange Sea Creature Discovered. Video of the Oarfish, Regalecus glesne.